He definetly encouraged affilliates to post there heart and souls i remember one affiliate crying on a live and he said it was the best live yet as it had so much interaction. He brainwashed people. He also said if your going yo say something not nice etc on a live or post always say something like I only have your very best interest at heart im only saying this as I want the very best for you .gaslighting at its bestI didn’t have any issues personally with the plan or the staff. However, as a member of the original affiliates programme I saw behaviour that was unhealthy and caused distress for a lot of people. It was a scheme for TeamRH to grow which of course is business strategy, it was the way it was done and the way it was sold to vulnerable members. It became a toxic environment and I saw people crumble in an effort to appease Richie, whilst he tore them apart. Made it seem like they had something to work harder for. A lot of people spent their own money and clearly time to promote TeamRH with the little bit of a chance that something big would come out of it. I didn’t continue on that journey as it wasn’t something I was going to put myself through. People were pouring their heart and souls out all of Facebook lives to get a few more views/likes all to appease Richie. Very sad to see people let get sucked in.
It’s this that I see has continued over the years in one way or another and it seems to be from what I’m hearing, a toxic environment at head office. Whilst it doesn’t effect me personally, I can’t support an organisation or brand that creates a toxic environment. I’m learning now that this is also towards clients, which is just not acceptable. Members should be made aware of how they are spoken about and disrespected.
This is typical rh behaviour . That's just awful . How he has got away with it for so long I will never know hope your oksy xSo I found this thread and have read up todate. But wasn't sure if I should post or not. I was an original member when there was only a few thousand in the group. When there was calorie clubs, Affiliates didn't exist, you paid about £3.50 a month via PayPal and RH said he didn't care about merch and just cared about the people etc. and that he wouldn't put his prices up like other people out there.
When I was there, nobody was allowed to post any Instagram accounts or anything. Apart from this one guy called "Liam". who gave his story and RH latched onto it. from what I've read he moved up the ranks with him and became an affiliate. Anyhow I commented why this guy was allowed to post his Instagram but nobody else was allowed when everyone had their own stories. In which I got an inbox from RH saying we had a problem and he accused me of bullying this guy. And he was really nasty to me in the inbox. All because I asked why he was allowed to post an Instagram link but nobody else was.
I then got another message saying I was then Copying of this liam person because I posted a picture of my meals on Instagram with the calories in a collage. The same as him. Which he didn't invent because pictogram was around well before and loads of people outside the group posted collages.
I knew then that RH automatically took a dislike to me.
My calories were really quite high and I hadn't really lost weight intact the calories he was giving me I felt were really high and they were making me put on weight. Anyhow I was out for Sunday dinner with my mam one day and I posted a comment about tracking roast beef in a post. And he just went off it with me.
He posted a video saying I had 10 minutes to post my weight weight in the group and my MFP tracking or I would be kicked out. He wanted me to post my own personal data in front or everyone. (There was no GDPR back then). So I posted it. and he had seen that my weight wasn't go anywhere even though I hadn't really done anything like this before and was trying (if I wasn't I wouldn't of asked the question).
He then did another reply saying I was a time waster and said to Peter (God rest his soul) to cancel my Direct debit and I could be in the group for fee as I was a time waster but wouldn't receive any help or anything. 5 minutes later he then changed his mind and said "No infact you're not staying in the group" and kicked me out. He humiliated me via video posts in front of everyone.
I then got another inbox giving a load of waffle. and his final words were come back when you've lost X amount of weight and I will let you back in. However I was blocked from him.
I had a chat with Peter after and he said he was just given the orders to kick me out. and that he didn't really want to.
The guy is not a nice man at all.
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