This is 100% a lie, because there’s no process they can be notified if someone makes a lot of changes - they will only ever find out IF the member messages them, as they are unable to make anymore changes, as their App will block anymore changes from being made.
There’s NO notification of this. NONE.
So this is total bullshit for a start.
Can they figure out if someone’s been using the App to give out generic calorie and macro guidelines?
Yes they can check their central system to see how many changes have been made to the users personal data.
That is the only way. And even then that’s not accurate, as sometimes people want to figure out what their own calories would be with different workout and step settings.
Just to debunk ANOTHER one of richard’s lies.
Have they blocked and removed memberships from people who changed their settings too many times and who they suspected were “coaching” others?
That shows how small his actual membership actively using his
crappy App is, the fact they spend time trying to “catch” people out
Do James Smith or Joe Wicks give two fucks if someone gives someone else generic calorie guidelines? Nah do they
Another made up story about people jealous of him, where he comes out a hero( by being understanding the pressure they must be under) he wasn’t understanding of someone eating a pear drop, but trying to steal his secret formula that he just admitted is same as any online generic calc, he’s ok with
Just like he wasn’t understanding when a member told him she was suicidal and has serious mental health problems and he went in on her in a message....and tried to backtrack saying he “hadn’t read the message” proprly? Like that??
He must be
bleeping manic cause he's talking bullshit! Slow sign up day clearly so let's generate a blatant lie and put across that a major brand is shitting it and wants to be us. He's honestly a complete prick. Of course you can't name them cause IT NEVER HAPPENED. If someone wants to copy your algorithm all they have to do is Google any generic tdee calculator. He's a delusional c*nt
He genuinely thinks he's up there with James Smith and Joe Wicks
mate, nobody knows who you are. Come back to us when you've had tv slots, radio slots. You are a complete no mark
What is it with “sacrifice everything if you wanna go toe to toe with us”??
Sacrifice what?? Your mental health and life, to pretend you’re a successful business man, who hasn’t tried to openly ruin hundreds of peoples lives?
Toe to toe with what?
A team of people who work for a man who runs a fitness company??
What the
duck delusions is he working with?
Does he not realise he sounds obsessive, pathetic and thinks he is far, far more important than he is in the real world and grand scheme of life??
Nobody’s going “toe to toe” with you richard or your
crappy team...because your standards and quality of the service you offer are so
bleeping low, they don’t need to.
Get over yourself and stop being a
bleeping bleep!