From what I've read, some of these influencers are charging 15-20K* per Instagram ad, which seems insane to me. I was surprised that she quit YouTube as it must have been quite a lucrative revenue stream for her, but that was before I knew how much could be earned through Instagram. She's also moved a friend in with her, so I guess that helps pay the mortgage, and nearly everything in her life - clothes, make-up, food, furniture - is gifted. She's never going to make it as an actress - but it looks like she may not really need the income.
*I have no idea what Tanya charges for Instagram ads, but she still has 3million followers on there, so probably charges quite a lot. Anyone who can shed more light on what Influencers earn via Instagram, I'd be interested to read!
Ah gotcha. So she probably just does acting as a bit of a hobby really by the sounds of it. Which friend did she move in with her, Kate I assume?