Tamara Kalinic #19 I got robbed, again!

Ultimately, only her bank account will show what is real and what isn't.

To me and anyone who buys real or fake Hermes it is obvious that she has fake bags. She has a wardrobe of gifted designer yet the only bags with bad stitches, missing logos and engravings are the ones that she buys herself? To anyone who follows luxury they seem as obvious as the Chanel bags with GG instead of CC at the front. Even IF she bought every bag, the ones she advertised in the purse forum can't be in her wardrobe and sold off at the same time.

If you go back to the threads about the Paris robbery you can find the police and publicist report claiming multiple 100k watches and her entire wardrobe/jewellery/handbags including 20 Hermes bags were only worth a total of 300k which to me is enough proof that it doesn't add up.

I trust an article based on a police report and my own eyes more than her career.

Well I follow luxury too and own Hermes bags myself, so that doesn’t convince me either. I’m not going to take a Reddit thread seriously just because someone claims a bag is fake due to irregular stitching—especially when Hermes is known for its handmade, asymmetrical stitching. As for her, it’s foolish that she’s putting all her money into material goods, especially after experiencing a robbery that showed how quickly those things can disappear. But I doubt she would ever jeopardize her reputation, since she’s materialistic AF.
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lol okay. Hope you buy them straight from the store and never preloved since you might miss the other authentication protocols like logos and hardware engraving as mentioned in your quoted post. (Not being argumentative, just really hope you don’t get ripped off by accepting lower quality goods)

Anyway, both Leonie and Tamara have a post up with Harrods. Harrods took Leonie to the British Fashion Awards and doused her with DeBeers diamonds. Harrods sent Tamara a beauty box from D&G beauty- who she previously said she wouldn’t work with. Womp womp.
Thanks babe, don’t worry about me
I remember when she first started using logos on everything and there were items that seemed sus to me. So I used google lens and found links from DHG and other knock off retailers but none to the actual brands websites. The items simply didn't exist in the designer collections.

If you saw a shirt for example and clicked through to the dodgy links you'd find an entire logo outfit and then you'd randomly see her wearing the entire look a month later- the time it takes for it to arrive from China. If you google lens a lot of her bags these same websites come up. They are relatively passable but someone who knows will notice the lack of engraving on the hardware, the lock covers being a different material than the ones the sell in stores but being consistent with the ones on these dupe sites. I have no doubt that she might one a handful of real bags- maybe two retail and some second hand with the help of pre-loved partnerships but in my experience she shows a lot of bags she says are "rare" or "limited" but she shows them with the wrong box- an orange inside instead of the blue. These knock off websites sell the bags with Hermes boxes, or you can even buy real empty boxes on eBay.

Someone who is dropping hundreds of thousands a year on Hermes would know the difference between a blue and orange box. Someone who spends that much money would have gotten special orders/ real exotics/ rare bags. When it comes to the Hermes shows she only wears easy to get small birkins or kellys in "shocking" colours aka the colours everyone else turned down. If you're buying handbags the same price as a house wouldn't you show them off at fashion week? Someone who shows off as much as she does would wear her rarest bags yet only wears the basic ones that happen to have the engraving on them. Then comes the 3 quota bag limit. You can only buy 3 kelly + birkins combined a year. She was robbed in 2021, so that gives her 4 years with 3 quota bags each- those are 12 bags maximum. How many unboxings has she had since then? For reference: Kim Kardashian owns around 30.
As a “luxury follower” I know that there is a 2 quota bag limit each year, not sure how you got on 3. Besides she mentions her boyfriend also has an account. So 4 quota bags each year.
Thanks babe, don’t worry about me

As a “luxury follower” I know that there is a 2 quota bag limit each year, not sure how you got on 3. Besides she mentions her boyfriend also has an account. So 4 quota bags each year.
I feel like that quota bag thing doesn’t apply to everyone tbh. I follow Kika (a British Nigerian influencer) on Snapchat, and she’s definitely gotten more than 2 quota bags this year. Probably about 5 or more. I don’t doubt that maybe some of Tam’s old bags were super fakes, but with the bicolor burgundy one, she wore it to the Hermes show. I doubt she would carry a fake to their show, that would be stupid/career suicide. I also don’t think Michael Coste would be taking pictures with her and posting it on his IG if he suspected her bags to be fake. My guess is that she faked it till she made it - probably mixed authentic and superfakes up until the robbery. Filippo working in the industry probably wouldn’t like that/want to get caught up in that kind of a scandal so she most likely stopped once they got serious.
I feel like that quota bag thing doesn’t apply to everyone tbh. I follow Kika (a British Nigerian influencer) on Snapchat, and she’s definitely gotten more than 2 quota bags this year. Probably about 5 or more.
I love Kika!

You used to get two quota bags per season + a special order/ Kelly Elan/ Kelly pochette- making it three. Technically only quota bags depending on their skins. It's a way to sneak an extra bag into your quota. (Coming from a personal shopper)
And technically in January this year, they changed from two quota bags to one per season, so if she used her partner's account- it would be a total of two bags per season. Four (potentially six) a year.
I love Kika!

You used to get two quota bags per season + a special order/ Kelly Elan/ Kelly pochette- making it three. Technically only quota bags depending on their skins. It's a way to sneak an extra bag into your quota. (Coming from a personal shopper)
And technically in January this year, they changed from two quota bags to one per season, so if she used her partner's account- it would be a total of two bags per season. Four (potentially six) a year.
Kika seems really sweet. She just got a croc Birkin, and a Kelly touch for her birthday. AND a third mini royal oak. It does feel weird watching all that overconsumption though tbh. That’s a sickening amount of money, but everyone lives their lives differently.

Ahh okay! Thanks, I didn’t know! I got sick of trying to play the Hermes game and stopped 😅 I realized a) I only really cared because the bags were being shoved down my throat by these influencers and b) I had other wishlist items I wanted a lot more and my money could be spent more wisely than on bags tbh.

My question then is if you get things like a shadow Birkin, or a cargo, etc does that count towards your quota? Or would it be like if you got an exotic? Kinda makes sense then in Tamara’s case if you can potentially get 6 a year (with a partner).
Quota bags are limited to 2 per year, a special order could be a way to increase your quota but exceptional. Neither Kelly Elan or Pochette are quota bags, just very rare to get. Since she has two accounts and doesn’t do special orders, she is able to get 4 quota bags each year.
Peak vlogmas content, we called it:

"In This Video: I kick off a cozy morning at home with cuddles and deep "life talks" with my nephews before heading off with my sister on a festive adventure to Bicester Village for some serious Christmas shopping."
Remember last year when she was appalled that her sister and mother wanted to buy Michael Kors?

Clickbaiting pregnancy- Pregnancy in the title, pregnancy talk at 33 minutes in: talking about how people ask her if she's pregnant, brushes it off and talks about kind comments.

Maybe just one video a week would suffice.
Her vlogmas content is so boring. Bicester village again? I feel that they just go to places (I.e. Bicester village, Soho farmhouse,Battersea power Station etc) just to film random content for the YT videos... it all feels random and boring to watch, no context at all. I don't like watching her nephews on every vlogmas... I find it super weird for a 10 year old to say "Like, subscribe, leave a comment below" every other sentence. Not sure why her sister allows this....
Her vlogmas shows the reality of her life. She being a 35 year old woman who spends an average Monday morning in shopping, with no obligations in a day.

On that note, so interesting that her sister does not want to be filmed but has no problem that Tamara films her children. What a strange family.
Tamara in Estelle Manor wearing a pair of ridiculously inappropriate heels for breakfast in the countryside while the poor person vlogging her idiotic behaviour (her sister?) Is in a pair of trainers. She is so unrealistic, unrelateable, fake and pretentious. Honey if you want to wear these heels go to an appropriate event.. Jeez! Get real for once! And stop flaunting your fake ring everything you drink coffee!


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Some truly rich especially for a while don't have as many Hermes bags as Tamara. They don't need to show off, everyone knows them and their wealth and they have their private jets and will more likely plan on going to Mars ;) I read somewhere that more "poor" people buy luxury, even if it means saving up money for a long time or dept. As for Tamara's finances. I'm sorry if I misread it "foolish that she’s putting all her money into material goods, especially after experiencing a robbery that showed how quickly those things can disappear. But I doubt she would ever jeopardize her reputation, since she’s materialistic AF."
Being materialistic and greedy results in her being so pretentious and acting as if she was a rich sheik's wife (reputation). The engagement ring - it was never explained which means she has no way of explaining it. She could have a smaller ring and tell it has some sentimental value and that she doesn't want security risk. She shows so many Hermes yet she's afraid to talk about a ring. I call it a bluff. Either security or not. Everyone questions her ring, she knows it but she cannot even try to lie out of this. Someone mentioned the car and rental. The couple is weird. He was hippy yet now fully into the vlogs, long in the industry. So hippy he hasn't bought even one apartment? All his money is literally on him? ok changed personality but he owns close to nothing. At his age? Weird. She is using freebies and spends a lot in "posh" places so that despite earning some money they cannot show nice cars (plural), a few proprieties, great furniture, unique design, art collection, pool or tennis court, whatever. Even high jewelry, but the rare kind. I find it puzzling. Notice that the couple don't even recommend whatever, gold, crypto, nothing about stock market. For me it's weird. So much talking, her reminding of a degree in pharmacy yet no "how we plan to save money, advice on investments". It's clearly "better" spent on alcohol and food. They don't tell young audience about planning the future. I wonder how "grand" the wedding will be. Do they count on sponsored one? I really have no idea where the money goes but unless sponsored the "luxury" made not one multimillionaire broke. The ex boyfriend had restaurants, something to show. I might be wrong here but he gave her the goods but VCA so not that luxurious. People with money usually respect them and now that for 100k they can do more than an outfit.
I needed to vent. But of course good luck to them, I don't wish them ill.
I *tink* she explained the ring in a Q&A once, he or some good friend in US who does jewelry got the stone? and they got it made for him to propose with. There was some going back and forth with the design or smth, cant remember the details.

Think is the same friend who gift/ sold her that tennis bracelet she showed in another video.

She is really getting boring with her mindless shopping. She isnt poor nor is she mega rich, she just happens to be surrounded by luxury fashion cos of her “job” as a influenza, travels more than some pple to “nice places”….gets sponsored hauls, buys too much hermes…. But thats about it.