Did a draft on Saturday of the dances but have lost it and besides moved on to ITT! I don't feel the same passion and excitement without Rylan
Fleur - definitely a bump announcement soon, 2 days of baggy and unflattering outfits (didn't like monday's homage to Scrooge's nightshirt!)
She's more professional than Janette, but she wasn't natural- put it down to nerves and getting into the rhythm
Bobby - lordy he was dull! Nothing to do with being young, showbiz is his world and young celebs have managed to string a sentence or 2
Angela- I'm praying I don't see any frontal leg lifts, no gussets please
. My crush on Kai has gone, must be the matching teeth, I like imperfections
Eddie- enjoyable guest, love Karen.
Joanne - I like her, but I still rage at the loooooooonnnnggg choreo corner intro with bonus