He thought it was geographyA PUZZLE!!!! for school work
Steve probes told her to messageSomeone's commented 'send lancy to school please' on the latest vlog and she's replied correcting his spelling funny but idk how appropriate it is for an 11 year old to be reading comments when there are some genuinely nasty people on there occasionally.
He's started to 'clap back' in the comments recently but him sarcastically calling himself 'lazy' and 'sorry for not being perfect' doesn't work when he is lazy and is failing his children and dogs. There's a difference between maybe not walking the dog on a day where its thundering and raining and just not walking the dogs at all because you haven't trained them to know how to act in public. There is a difference between giving your child a more relaxed activity on a friday afternoon and giving her games and basic worksheets everyday because its easier to pretend she's thick rather than teaching her properly like you agreed to do when you took her out of mainsteam school.Steve probes told her to message
this post says it all reallyHe's started to 'clap back' in the comments recently but him sarcastically calling himself 'lazy' and 'sorry for not being perfect' doesn't work when he is lazy and is failing his children and dogs. There's a difference between maybe not walking the dog on a day where its thundering and raining and just not walking the dogs at all because you haven't trained them to know how to act in public. There is a difference between giving your child a more relaxed activity on a friday afternoon and giving her games and basic worksheets everyday because its easier to pretend she's thick rather than teaching her properly like you agreed to do when you took her out of mainsteam school.
It’s an absolute Joke what he calls “education” these days. Lacey completed that puzzle in around 2 hours or less it seems, yet he didn’t expect her to even complete it in one day?! It’s insulting to Lacey that he thinks she’s so incapable. The reality is, I don’t think she’s incapable at all, Steve’s just out of his depth at home educating her so it’s easier to say she “doesn’t understand”, “she struggles to learn” etc and keep her at a ridiculously low level of drawing pictures and making crispy cakes.
There’s plenty examples that Lacey can learn. She’s learned to read, write, communicate, aware of dangers, can take care of herself in terms of washing/dressing. She may be autistic but she’s clearly high functioning. It’s hard to say too much on it without sounding like saying high functioning isn’t that bad - I know that’s not the case at all. Autism is autism no matter what level, but they need to focus on what she can do and prepare her for a life of independence. She’s not so severely autistic she can’t do anything for herself. She gets left home without adult supervision and can go to the shops without an adult (I wouldn’t class Sophie as an adult, I know Lacey wouldn’t do these things alone, but that seems more about anxiety/having company). They need to stop making out she’s worse than she is.
The reason she’s probably not learning at the moment is because nobody is teaching her anything. Everyday is just worksheets and essentially like doing a quiz every day. What a wasted opportunity. Home Ed is fun and she’s stuck sitting at a desk on her own answering times tables questions every day. He needs to join some groups and get some ideas.
Exactly the older kids are able to walk to school. He needs to not be so precious some kids younger than them are getting trains and buses to school. Lacey has taken 100 steps back . Maybe her anxiety is better for now as they dont leave the house. That’s great if all she wants is a life without friends and a job. How they have failed her .She could've been thriving at the specialist school as we speak but they'd never get her out the front door now that they've given her a taste of home 'school'. Taking her out of school altogether should've been the step they took after giving the new school a go but a few extra minutes in the car was too much for the stay at home dad who doesn't have any kids at home anymore to look after.
They really don’t need any more petsHe’s gone quiet on the guinea pig chat