Stephanie Lange


Can't decide if her gross nails or the chunky drink are giving me the ick more 🤢
From dairy is evil to raw milk.
Stop I know 🙄 she's gas this one, the flip flopping would have you dizzy. Do people like her not realise that udders and rectums are not that far away from each other? Hence the popularity of pasteurisation...

From healthline: Raw and pasteurized milk are comparable in their nutrient contents. While raw milk is more natural and may contain more antimicrobials, its many health claims aren't evidence-based and don't outweigh potential risks like severe infections caused by harmful bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria.
How do they afford all of this stuff, do we think they are up to their eyes in debt?
Her videos actually get decent views compared to some other influencers on YouTube who look like they live a lot more lavishly with constant first class holidays and wardrobes full of luxury clothes and bags. I'd say she's making alright enough money.
Eh don't do that then?? 🙄🤣
I think she means we as a country. Which is unlikely as farmers use them for containing their stock. They are probably just trimming them back which makes them grow back fuller
I think she means we as a country. Which is unlikely as farmers use them for containing their stock. They are probably just trimming them back which makes them grow back fuller
Also, Robins are ground feeders, sp they won't eat out a fruit bowl...