Stephanie Lange

This woman makes my blood boil, truly! I fee
For her boys .. the questionable health, vaccination story’s, now that.
I fee like sleep training is more accepted kn the uk/Ireland? Here in Germany most people do do spleeping. Sleep training can really damage a child, they simply give up, they cannot learn to settle themselves! Cortisol levels stay high! Even things like anxiety are linked to it… but sure, it hasn’t affected Stephanie negatively…
Can someone explain sleep training in simple terms please lol
If the baby won't sleep, you put them down and let them cry for a bit, go back and give them some comfort and leave again
Leaving it longer between going back to them so they figure out how to go to sleep on their own
Can someone explain sleep training in simple terms please lol
It depends on the method of which there seem to be various. Some are more cruel in my opinion.. putting to bed and ignoring until time to get up in morning. Other methods do check ins after certain periods as another member has mentioned. Increasing the length of time before checking on them with each resettle..

Studies have shown that babies who were sleep trained, don’t get more sleep than those who haven’t been but simply learn not to signal for their caregiver, because they won’t come to them, which is pretty sad I think 😞
I am sure I unfollowed her years ago when she tagged some sleep trainer who I despised. I don’t judge people if they want to sleep train but I thought it was so unethical of her to share a sleep trainer who targets influencers to get access to their followers to sell overpriced sleep training packages. Also love how she is now pro sleep training because it suits her. Why even tell us how her babies sleep-not our business 😂
The baby is sick again 😔 poor little thing. She has him out in the cold now too even though he had a fever and snots yesterday. Seems like she should keep him inside in the warmth especially since he just had RSV
The irony of her on her moral high horse a few days ago, boasting about how her diet means they rarely get ill. Every week at least one of them has come down with something 🙄! I've never known anyone to come down with bugs as often as they do.