I’ve been thinking and it seems this concept of the sheep being her ‘mates’ and the constant reiteration that she regards them as friends is part of the reason she’s so duplicitous and resistant to doing the right and proper thing and labelling her ADs correctly as such.
She knows full well that people would much rather buy something on the recommendation of someone they know and trust rather than just having it pushed upon them and given the hard sell. I’m sure the sheep would happily buy something on the back of Stacey ‘their mate’ suggesting it when in reality the truth is that Stacey, who wouldn’t give them the time of day if she saw then in the street much less consider herself their friend, profits from them using her code to buy whatever she’s promoting and she more than likely doesn’t use the stuff herself anyway. She sells her kids out ffs, what’s the likehood she gives a
tit about what she tries to get other people to buy?
This in itself just calls for more lies as she trots out the old chestnut ‘I’d never recommend anything I didn’t actually use myself’. Ha, that’s clearly bollocks as she’s often flogging Dove products and we all know her relationship with personal hygiene; heck she showers on high days and holidays if that!
This is matterless of course to the sheep who just lap it up, blissfully ignorant and deluded enough to believe they’re just like their idol, Queen of the Ming. Bless, there’s just no hope for some folk is there?!
Pfffffft, tbh I think Stacey lies so much she doesn’t even realise she’s doing it anymore. I think we all know people like her, they don’t consider that they’re being dishonest but rather tackle every situation with the mindset ‘what do I need to say here in order to achieve the outcome I want?’ and well, if that involves saying things that aren’t technically true then so be it.
I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could spit and I’m not in the habit of spitting, ever. Devious