Exactly - no-one begrudges anyone having a holiday. For anyone else questioning why people are angry about Stacey’s holiday, read on.
What we do begrudge is that she didn’t:
1. pay the full £40k for that holiday
2. Before the holiday she did her usual trick of saying she had some weeks off work and needed help from her followers in recommending family holidays
3. And just like that she’s off to turkey and managed to get a last minute deal staying in a private villa with its own large pool and gardens in a 5 star resort but doesn’t tag any posts as AD nor credits the travel agent (this always comes later) because she doesn’t want anyone to know she’s there on a free holiday. It’s so difficult to get last minute deals during school hols so this deal would have been negotiated and agreed a while back. Stacey has known she was going to Turkey ages ago, and would have planned how she was going to post pictures as part of that deal.
4. She then shows tiny elements of the resort eg beach, private pool (but makes it look like it’s just the shared pool) etc etc
5. She dresses up and pretends she’s going to bingo - this is her trying to be relatable to the sheep, when in fact she’s going to the restaurants which you do have to dress up for (see her dads posts bragging about the food and restaurants they went to)
6. She pretends she’s going to some evening entertainment, when in fact it was none other than Christina Aquilera performing! So not just your standard, average 5 star resort entertainment. She never mentions this fact though.
7. we all know her Dad is out there with them, but they leave it until the last minute to share this - why? Again, because they don’t want any negativity from accepting a free or heavily discounted holiday
7. Only when they are returning back from their holiday does she suddenly tag the holiday as an AD and surprise surprise it’s through the same travel agent who gifted her her Abu Dabi holiday. This is the same holiday who has now gifted her dad 3 holidays this year - Abu Dabi, a cruise and now Turkey
Now if Stacey had paid for this holiday with her money that she has earned, she would not have posted, she would have focussed on her family and had a real break away from social media and no one would have had a problem with her. But because she has accepted this holiday and her dad too, part of the deal is that she has to share it with others and make them want to go there too. It’s easy to find out the true cost of this holiday by going to the resort website and looking up the cost of the Amber Lagoon villa which is the one Stacey stayed in. The papers are reporting the holiday only cost £3-4k. Wow bargain! If this was the case I would have booked it immediately. We stay in 5 star hotels and travel business, so Stacey’s holiday would be an absolute steal! But it’s not. That deal does not exist. It does not cost that - this is what Stacey’s agent has told the papers to report, and stupidly they’ve gone ahead and printed what they’ve been told by YMU talent group. The travel agent were reporting similar but have since removed their post as they can be fined for false advertising ie selling something that is not true. Her dad has posted loads from that resort, and like his daughter, has waited until back in uk to admit he got it through trading travel agent, but he’s still not declaring it as an AD - he never declares anything which is misleading the public into thinking he can afford all these holidays.
I am not jealous and I think the majority of others on this thread are not either. What we dislike is the sneakiness and dishonesty that comes from Stacey all the time. When called out on her dishonesty she resorts to deflection tactics and posts about her children and then announces her new homeware range. Anything to stop people talking about her holiday.
I can tell you now I wouldn’t book anywhere any influencer recommends or is gifted, so that type of marketing does not work on me. Let’s see how many of Stacey’s followers actually book to go to that resort and tag her…