New member
It’s a worry that these people walk among us it really is. Surely you’d have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that?!
Anyway on those lines should Stacey, Joe and the gang ever choose to move again (perhaps if they’d all like to be in the same building for a change?!) I propose we have a little whip round and get enough cash together to buy some massive old pile. Then we’ll all come together to do it up (I mean, we’ve seen the standard of her DIY, it’s not going to have to be decent is it?! ) and contrive somehow for her to see it once we’ve completed. As soon as she sees the mermaid bathroom, absolutely everything covered in a sticker saying what it is, summer dress ‘pumkins’ and optics filled with squash alongside our other efforts, she won’t be able to help herself and will of course immediately put an offer in.
Oh and I’ve forgotten the best part; we’ll call it ‘Lying twit Mansion’! Now that’s fate if ever I’ve heard it and you know how much she likes fate; with such a name she’ll snap it up and we my dear fellow Tattlers, well we’ll be quids in!
I nearly choked on my chocolate lime when I got to ‘everything covered in a sticker saying what it is’, Bravo