I think the Yoko Ono "staying in bed for a month" is because she's obsessed with people thinking she's a good mum. That's what she's based her whole personality on. Because she did it with Mick the Sick, she has to with Rosie Rickets... all the "I can't stop staring at the baby, I can't put the baby down, I need to carry the baby everywhere so people think I love my child more than anyone loved a child ever'. But she just can't pull it off. It just adds to how insane she already looked. And if she does spend time with the older ones, she will be scared people will think she's forgotten about the new one. Of course it doesn't work like that. We don't have a finite store of love for our children and once it's used up for the day, that's it.
I wonder if her Community Midwives follow her on insta and are telling her she needs to pack all this nonsense in and get out more. The friggin Fritzl kids probably had more enriching childhoods than her kids. Just telling the world she loves them isn't enough, she never actually does anything to enhance their lives other than decorations. What's the old saying - you can put glitter on tit but it's still tit.
(Is that a saying? Maybe I just made it up. It works anyway )
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