She is completely tone deaf not to see how much this is going to antagonise people who have had children or other family members in hospital, especially for emergency, frequent or long term can you be so clueless?
Not only that but how utterly sad that at a time like this, when surely her priority should be reassuring her child she's fishing for content?!
I would have had some respect for her if this had been a phone in a drawer few days, she'd disappeared on Sun when it happened and reappeared later this week saying she'd been off because he'd had an accident and had to have a minor procedure etc. Even more so if she'd said actually he fell off the bed/ fell into the fireplace/ got bitten by one of the animals or whatever, and then acknowledged that this had made them realise actually the high bed/ deathtrap grate/ behaviour around pets was dangerous and they were now doing X or Y about it. Not that she has to explain what happened, but since it's likely to have been as a result of lack of supervision or guidance actually being honest about it would have made a pleasant change. But because all her parenting has to be perfectly curated on her own terms - in the sense that her laissez-faire approach doesn't matter because nothing bad ever happens or if it does it's glossed over - there's no way she could ever admit to being in the wrong.
So instead we have this embarassment of her taking half the #gifted contents of her house to hospital. It really isn't normal behaviour, whether done purely for the gram or not.