It's known as fraud.
Take 4 days off 'sick' from your insta stories to get a professional company in to pack up your house and then move you into your new house (Note she only showed her and Joe packing up Rex's room). Film everything because it's content, content, content all the way.
Show some footage of you finishing up at your old house after your belonging have left and you are already in the new house - so the huns believe your lies and think you are an absolute wonder woman who actually managed to pack a 3 bed, 2 living roomed, 3 story house with party shed plus tons of craft shit in 48 hours with 3 kids, 2 dogs and a lonely thrown away cat (who is still) scratching at the door to be let in hanging around you.. Wear the same clothes you wore when you actually moved for the 'live' records today but still let Rex wear the same clothes two days running (nothing new tbh) - Show off your unpacked bedroom (because someone else unpacked it) but no parent actually would do their own bedroom first, you'd ALWAYS do the kids rooms first. Then post all your pre-records and say you only moved yesterday.