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why does her dog give me the ick, is it because it’s basically a product of her? like when awful people have awful children? anyway….
She only seems to see cocktailsandotherstories now. No Gemma, no Millie Cotton and other greasy influencer gang / clique of mean girls.She reminds me of girls that are like “i dont need a man” “i dont care im cool and chilled” but they are alwayyyyys the ones who drop their friends the easiest/ the most needy and insecure/ would actually like to get married. Know quite a few girls like that.
“Close friends already know” haw haw haw I'm mad me! Who knows what I've done now!
what close friends.....
That is actually beyond tragic if her hot goss is a new bag. Bet shes a riot at a brunch.
Such a shame, when she was posting on reallifespoh on insta, her podcasts, youtube holidays with Gemma and flattering fashion she was great. Now it's all botched and unnecessary cosmetic procedures, near identical Chanel after Chanel, jeans that are three sizes too small and jackets that are three sizes too big with a smattering of jhimmayyyyyy, hennnnyyyy and a constant stream of complaints.I have unfollowed her. She’s just so dull! She literally does nothing inspiring with her life.
Errrrrr is she alright?
As if she accepts her parents paying for her petrol when in the same set of stories she is showing off her latest Chanel bag?!
My parents love me, but they don't baby me like that. They've made her the way she is and they haven't done her or themselves any favours in the process - no matter what they / she thinks. For starters fill up your own tank, buy a gift when you go home for your parents and, they need to put their foot down about her randomly leaving Hendrix with them whenever she's off chasing the D. The D whose owner seems to demand to be looked after much in the same way Sophie demands her parents look after her - Maybe it's karma!Errrrrr is she alright?
As if she accepts her parents paying for her petrol when in the same set of stories she is showing off her latest Chanel bag?!
Think she might be in jhimmayyyyyy debt?!Maybe she isn’t as rich as she makes out to be. Starting to think she’s a credit card and is in debt
It's so embarrassing! What's the aim with bragging about that kind of thing when she's got such a huge platform?!can’t believe someone who spends money so frivolously on Chanel and everything else can’t fill her tank in her old mini. Actually shocked. Behaving like a student I’m so embarrassed for her . I don’t buy Chanel’s but I can easily afford to fill up my luxury car myself thanks and treat my parents to dinners, gifts, weekends away etc, you know….because I’m a woman in my 30s, it’s the least you can do for your parents. She’s gross
Nah, she’s solidly middle class.I’ve just started following her re early…what’s her background is she super posh?