Ofsted registered nurseries don’t pay VAT, and there’s no VAT on children’s clothes and shoes. Of charging VAT on children’s education, surely it’s logical to charge it on all services for children?
I feel the opposite way, I think anything provided EXCLUSIVELY to anyone under the age of U18 and still in full-time education should be free of VAT. Clothes, education, childcare, holiday clubs, extra-curricular, private healthcare, holidays, driving lessons.
The less the costs, the more people will be able to provide for their children. This factor doesn’t affect the rich, it affects the middle and bottom incomes most.
All VAT on private schooling does is remove it as an option for some families. And…as they will be the families who could only just afford it to begin with…they are the ones who are less likely to be being it on a class/snobbery basis. As the earlier poster stated, it’s often for other reasons. Until state schools can deal with bullying and SEN adequately, parents should be allowed to make choices for their children where they are financially able to, without the government intentionally making those choices unaffordable for more people.
How many children commit suicide due to school bullying each year? It’s not financially practical to remove them all from those schools, but for parents who can do it, they have potentially saved their child’s life.
If you have a seriously depressed and anxious child, it’s not like in the workplace where you can hand in a 3 month note for ‘stress’ and have a break…schools are so focused on attendance that if a child is suffering mentally they will push and push them on attendance and just claim they are being too sensitive when they are being g bullied because as well as high attendance another stat they are obsessed with is low exclusion rates, meaning they don’t address bullying either. They will also send work home and continually reinforce that the child cannot have a complete break from thinking about school, even when it’s in the child’s best interests.
Many of the parents most affected by the VAT will be the ones at the end of their tether with their experiences of the state system, and willing to go without normal things they would have spent their money on instead like family holidays or a newer car to pay for it for their child’s welfare.
If we go by the logic that every child should have the same start in life and nobody should have any advantages, so same education, same housing, same clothes, same holidays, same diet, same extra-curricular and same access to hobbies…then where is the incentive for parents to be educated themselves or to aspire to promotions, to work overtime…if it doesn’t make any difference to their child’s life?
I think Labour are complete hypocrites to use the private system for their own kids, and then tax other people for wanting to do the same…they are essentially trying to get the riffraff out of the system and return it to only being accessible to higher earners. They cut of their nose despite their faces, because there are reasons, such as security concerns, that aren’t about snobbery that are caused by their job that may cause a politician to send their child private.