Honey I’m home
After several trips across the Irish Sea over the last few months, I am finally moved back to Dublin.
As humans, we are constantly evolving, and our values often change too.
A couple of years ago, I would never have thought that I would be happy living in Dublin, but I have changed (read: gotten older).
Now, the thoughts of sitting in a busy beach club in Bali has no appeal to me! I am really appreciating all the beautiful reasons to live in Ireland (chicken fillet rolls for one).
I love Ireland and being Irish, and there was no question of where we wanted to raise our baby. (Although ask me again in a couple of years when I'm standing in the rain at the side of a gaa pitch!).
I was going to say that this move wasn't part of the plan, but really - I never had a plan. I always went with what felt right at the time - including deciding on a whim to leave Bali and move to London last year.
It felt like the perfect stepping stone to this next chapter.
Perception is everything, and I find myself noticing all the small things that make me grateful to be home. These are things I took for granted and would have missed when I was living in Bali/Thailand/London.
I suppose there's a life lesson in that. When you look for things to be grateful for, no matter what the situation is, you can find a reason to appreciate what you have.
If you are always complaining or finding issues in things, you will never feel content in yourself.
This was just a little update email, and to let you know I am very ready to take on new clients for The Furnace.
I shared some feedback on my story today that came in. It was about the mindset section of The Furnace. It's not just about a training plan and a calorie target. It's how you learn to adapt them to your life, your goals and your values (which can change!).
If you want to get started, click the button below, or feel free to reply with any questions about how The Furnace works or if it would be suitable for you.
Thanks for reading,
Siobhan "Home is where the heart is" O'Hagan