New e-mail;
Subject : Going out of business
“I was chatting to Caireann (one of our amazing coaches in The Furnace) yesterday. She asked where I want to go with the business.
I told her I would love to put us out of business.
And I’m serious.
I want women to understand their bodies, how to fuel it and how to train in a way conducive with their health, their goals and their happiness.
I spent YEARS frustrated with my body, with a terrible relationship with food, and spending my days/weeks/months stressing about trying to be as skinny as possible.
Over the last few years of trial and error, plus a lot more education on nutrition and psychology, I have complete freedom from those old frustrations.
I realised that it’s only when I completely relax around food and training, that I actually end up in better* shape and happy with my body.
*subjective of course
In an ideal world, nobody would have ever dieted hard in the first place and so would not have developed these frustrations.
I think the younger generation are coming through a lot more aware and educated but unfortunately there are so many women still scarred by Slimming World, Weight Watchers and the Special K diet.
(Who knew that eating cardboard wasn’t a long term solution?!)
If you have never done an extreme diet, don’t.
But if you have, you probably have all those frustrations that I used to have.
When somebody finishes The Furnace, they have the awareness and education needed to never be sucked in by another diet again.
They no-longer need us either.
So in the long-run, I would like to see The Furnace go out of business.
My purpose is helping other women gain the freedom I have.
Not a great business move but I’ll figure that out in the long run.
Anyway, the good news is:
I’m offering 25% off The Furnace today!
That’s 25% off each month (it’s a 3 month subscription but you can cancel any time!)
So to save over €65 on the total cost, >>>>click here now<<<<.
The spaces will be limited to make sure that we give a great coaching service.
If you join today, you don’t have to start straight away either, but you still lock in the great price.
I’m going to be busy going through all your questionnaires and getting you set up over the next couple of days but I will try reply to any questions you might have, so you can just reply here!
Looking forward to seeing you in The Furnace!
Siobhan “Not a great business model” O’Hagan
P.S. If you get in early today, you’ll be able to join the Live Q&A with myself tonight at 8pm. It’s just an informal chat with me to meet other people on a similar journey.
P.P.S. The link above is just to the offer with the special price but you can click the button below to see the full website with more info on what is involved etc.“