I can’t say if this has or hasn’t happened to Siobhan today but I’ve been catcalled on nights out etc and it’s filled me with rage? There’s no way I’d be so blasé about it especially if I think I have any influence on social media?? Bizarre. I also think she reason this allegedly doesn’t happen to her in Bali is because there’s always others around so she can’t exaggerate or create scenarios as there’d be people there to say otherwise or call her out. How is it though that it’s never happened to sinead? Or to raisin? Or when shiv and raisin went for their big walk yesterday? I’m not saying it didn’t happen and I’m not trying to victim blame and if a man did this then he has all sorts of issues but I don’t believe that all these men would suddenly take a shine to Siobhan and no other women there, when we all know that doesn’t happen to her usually? I can understand with red hair she’d stand out in Asia etc but not so much Portugal? And isn’t everyone dressed in beach and holiday - revealing clothing?? I don’t get why she even posted this tbh there was no warning, no decent reason like awareness or a report to post, it just seems fishy. Also she reeks of jealousy of her sister which is why I think she’s so harsh on alvor.. it’s like the kids thing all over again, like patronising that ‘oh you’re happy with that life? Oh ok cool well I don’t even want that anyway pfft’ like she has to put it down because she can’t have that rather than just say she’s happy for her sister? If it genuinely wasn’t for me I still wouldn’t rub that in I’d just be happy my sister was happy and there’d be no need to say anything else on the subject???