Chatty Member
They do not deserve that child and may they never be blessed with another one. What a pair of absolute pricks.
Wow this is diabolical
They do not deserve that child and may they never be blessed with another one. What a pair of absolute pricks.
Yup, I have said before I'd see her around alot and said the same she is easily size 20+, and looks like she fell out of bed to go to the shop! She be the type to run into the shop in her pyjamasSorry am I missing something with the state of her bate into a pair of plastic shorts/skirt whatever it is and her vomit vest from a sweat shop in China?? She's like a cat bate into a stocking. The delusional is real with this one. There's nothing wrong with being fat no one gives a tit but this one would lead you to believe she's just a bit big when in fact she's massive in real life I mean a good size 22 plus even size 24.
In one meal? So two main courses.Pasta and pizza... I guess she needs abit of soakage
This makes me so mad. Buy a pair that fits and have a bit of pride in yourself. Ape.
They don’t even match the dressFirst thing I spotted. They were probably another freebie she didn’t want to turn down.