Latest Deli vlog
"we have a visitor so we prefer to put the dog on a leash because he can look scary to people" No offense to people who are scared of dogs but look at him. So scary
"I'm not sure it's meant to look like that or not"... No, Deli, I'm pretty sure it's NOT supposed to look like that
10 minutes of her telling us how HUGE the garden was when they got back... but she didn't film any of it so she's just showing you the stuff that... isn't there anymore
"I had more seeds so I put them in a random patch in my garden"... Then what's the point of spending 800$ on wooden planters if you're just gonna do that
And then she says "we got another garden box coming", then why didn't you wait to plant those seeds in it lol
Then she says she couldn't understand how composting works so she bought magazines (???). She bought a tumbler compost (which doesn't sound needed if you have a garden and are only two people ?) AND a worm house compost, but then says she's freaked out by worms. I've had a worm compost, you have to NOT mind worms at all...
Another This isn't sponsored or gifted *ticks bingo* x2
She spent 150$ on a black t-shirt and cannot make a proper sentence to describe it "it's like stockings for your arms" ?? It's a long sleeved t-shirt ???
Once again, she's always scared of unpleasing people. She's showing her t-shirt and going "I don't like that it's too short... but if you have the confidence good" and "and it's too low cut... but if you like that it's fine". DUDE just stop
The entire video you have James running around working while she's showing off her new stuff on camera or talking to the camera. If I was him I would be fuming and I feel like it might be the case lol.
Look, that's the face of someone who's PISSED
I wonder why they're redoing their closet since it looks fine to me ? They once again have workers coming in to do the job for them. Hey at least they're giving work to people
Wait, how long does it take to have a new closet put in ? Not more than a day, right ? Then why are they putting all their clothes in suitcases and boxes. Dude, I would just throw all my stuff on the bed of the second bedroom and be done with it
On a more positive note, I do like how she takes very good care of her dog. She talks about teaching him to use the doggy door and also teaching him that he can walk over some things because he was scared. Sounds like a good owner to me.
Still don't understand why you would go out to get coffee back at your house, especially since it's simple coffee and not even a special blend. I feel like James is such a nice guy, always ready to do things to help her out and stuff.
I do feel like their house will look amazing once it's done. They just need the carpet removed, that ugly black wall repainted, and the kitchen redone (the dishwasher is not built in somehow). I really like the garden area and big windows.
Oh man, they had the whole window changed for the doggy door and the door is too high for the doggo
Deli seems to be really friendly with people (she shows a bit where she's breaking down a bit of the closet because she asked the workers if she could try it lol)