They've been the best by far. Agree re comments about LTW - her storyline just didn't seem to serve any purpose and I just don't care about them. I think Seema is meant to be like Samantha but doesn't have the personality for it. Samantha was outrageous but very funny with it. Che is a real whinger and Carrie ringing her up like that was just odd. I understand why they've brought these characters in but it's not working well. I know they are not remaking SATC, but thst had a formula that worked and AJLT is all over the shop, although these last two eps were better.
It still just smacks of tokenism to me. LTW and her family's plot doesn't intertwine in any way with the established characters- it's like they've just plonked a black family in the show for the sake of it- and I think that's done them a real disservice. They also realised they had to tick another box by shoehorning Che and all her diverse pals in- there was no way Carrie or Charlotte would have gone down the non binary relationship route, so the writers threw Miranda under the bus, which we all agree is an absolute shame.