Secret Celebrity Gossip #182

The chances that the kids issues were inbreeding related are incredibly small. You share 3% of your DNA with your second cousin. In fact the risk of having a disabled child as a result of a FIRST cousin relationship is about the same risk as if you have a child when you’re over 35. The main problem with cousin marriage is when multiple generations within the same family also marry their first cousin. Then the percentage of shared DNA ends up being far higher than cousins normally would have- more like siblings
Well, they’re from an isolated Scottish community originally, so this is unfortunately highly likely.

Early Christmas pressy for the lovely smillieKylie 😃
I remembered the words to that like it was yesterday <hangs head in shame>

Loved Chas and Dave - Stars Over 45 (a track I'd misremembered as being done by the Barron Knights)

And nothing wrong with a woman in a sparkly cape swirling about to Jon and Vangelis.
I'm on the Celeb Death prediction thread and I can't remember which one of Chas and Dave died but I nominated the one who is still alive.
I’m Roman Kemp’s 6th cousin (100% genuine) I wonder if that means I’ve got more of a chance with him 🤣🤣🤣tbf though I haven’t seen him in nearly a year and I’ve lost a truckload of weight. I’m not sure he would recognise me now 🤣🤣
I did my family tree because I was curious why the name Anastasia was a thing (it still crops up as 2nd names amongst some cousins) so it turned out my 4xgreat mother was from Somerset. How she ended up in SW Ireland in the late 1700s I'll never know
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It's amazing who you find you're distantly related to when you look. I remember being blown away finding out I was second cousin once removed or similar to a girl who was in the year above me. She didn't give a tit 😆.

I was good friends with a girl at school, when I left school my mum had another baby and my sisters father was distantly related to this girl from his brothers wife's cousins family (I don't know how many removed from that)
I'm on the Celeb Death prediction thread and I can't remember which one of Chas and Dave died but I nominated the one who is still alive.

I did my family tree because I was curious why the name Anastasia was a thing (it still crops up as 2nd names amongst some cousins) so it turned out my 4xgreat mother was from Somerset. How she ended up in SW Ireland in the late 1700s I'll never know

Oooer Mrs Fluff, I have a slew of 1800 Dublin born Anastasias so as you say maybe it was a thing.
He might not be the best person in the world but Britney is - to be blunt - bleeping nuts and I find this rabid hero-worship of her to be completely misplaced.

Whilst Britney is clearly unwell, he played his tiny violin and for years made out he was the injured party. Maybe he was, but he left Janet Jackson to hang with nipplegate, has very publicly humiliated his wife with two rumoured anffairs (pit kettle black) and in my opinion is not as squeaky clean as he claims.
When I was 13/14 I had a friend whose older sister had a baby with their uncle (dads brother) even at that young age I thought it was really weird, the family didn’t speak, I do wonder what ever happened to the family especially the child.
I think that’s actually illegal tbh and depending on the ages of the uncle and niece my first thought would be grooming.
I think that’s actually illegal tbh and depending on the ages of the uncle and niece my first thought would be grooming.

I’m not sure how old my friends sister was, the uncle I assumed was quite old as her parents back in the 90’s were in their mid/late 50’s (my parents were late 30’s) I just remember listening to my friends dad tell me, along with his many ailments, being 13/14 I wasn’t remotely interested but that did stick in my mind, the lad would probably be 30 odd now. I found it sad how they had basically disowned their own child/grandchild & like you say looking back it may have been a case of grooming.