Scottish Politics #2



Chatty Member
Where things currently stand:

Nicola for the first time in her career is MIA while getting headlines.

Peter Murrell, her husband, was arrested this morning.

SNP hq was searched and their house in Glasgow has been taped off and has had a tent erected infront - resembles the West's house.

Humza is still useless.
according to BBC News this evening a police spokesman told them that Nicoliar was in the premises when the Police first arrived at before 8 this morning
according to BBC News this evening a police spokesman told them that Nicoliar was in the premises when the Police first arrived at before 8 this morning
to add she deffo wouldn't have had time for the 3SSS
according to BBC News this evening a police spokesman told them that Nicoliar was in the premises when the Police first arrived at before 8 this morning

to add she deffo wouldn't have had time for the 3SSS
It sounds like someone went there discreetly to let her know that uniforms and vans would be arriving shortly
I support Scottish independence but have never been a fan of the SNP.

I defo think that this extravaganza is what made Nicola go from "I've got plenty left in the tank" to "cheerio"

No matter how much the SNP say she didn't know about the police turning up to arrest her old man, the timing is defo suspicious for her - she chucks it - they elect the new leader - week later her man is lifted!!!

If he's had his fingers in till, he needs the book thrown at him. If she knew, she needs the book thrown at her.

And!!! Let's hope the Met police can also get their fingers put their bahookies and start lifting folk for the ££££ that was spent on PPE that wasn't fit for purpose. Starting with DAME Michelle Mone!!!

But I suppose they won't be able to build a jail big enough for all the politicians who are crooks.
The die hards on my friends list are still silent. Absolutely nothing, nada, zilch. I thought once he was released the posts would be flowing about how wonderful Saint Nicola and her husband are and how innocent they are.

Will we get to know what happened to the £600,000 I wonder 🤔
I wonder what they're still doing with teams of people going in and out of their house today?

Nicola is going to need to replace all of her carpets, I feel for her on that. Although does she have a modest Glasgow house for appearances? Must have a hidden house or cash squirreled away somewhere.
I wonder what they're still doing with teams of people going in and out of their house today?

Nicola is going to need to replace all of her carpets, I feel for her on that. Although does she have a modest Glasgow house for appearances? Must have a hidden house or cash squirreled away somewhere.
does Peter Murrell have a house in Portugal and Dublin?
I wonder what they're still doing with teams of people going in and out of their house today?

Nicola is going to need to replace all of her carpets, I feel for her on that. Although does she have a modest Glasgow house for appearances? Must have a hidden house or cash squirreled away somewhere.
Don't worry, I hear Nicola's house is fully laminated (natural walnut effect)