At this point, I’m convinced that the lunchbox posts are purely baiting to incite a bit of rage and increase her engagement. The lack of carbohydrates in that lunchbox is abhorrent, and there is absolutely no way an early childhood educator (who has a duty of care to ensure that children are being adequately fed) would see that, inevitably have to deal with a hungry 5 year old who would easily consume the whole amount in less than 10 minutes, and not ask the parents to pack food more food - with enough energy to fuel a growing child for the entire day.
And honestly, employees at centers in NSW are mandatory reporters who have an obligation to report neglect to the DoJ if a child is not having their needs met. So if the preschool has asked them to pack more (and she’s not), then she’s actually treading a dangerous line and risking opening a can of worms where their family may be investigated.
Like I said, I want to believe that this is just rage baiting. But if it’s not, at least she’s got eyes on her who have a legal obligation to report neglect if it is occurring.