Chatty Member
Im really confused with the rugs. Is it common to put rugs over carpets in Australia? I used to live in Australia for 2 years and saw inside of many different homes (rentals, airbnb) and found that carpets are really popular in Australia but I never saw anyone put a rug over a carpet? Where I'm from we don't really use carpets nor rugs because most people prefer the look and feel of real wood. Is it another just SeZzZzZy thing or what?
wait what? Lol not to stick up for Sarah but this is a 100% normal thing... weird pick up, I didn’t realise this would be considered odd?
She’s totally ripped off Elsa’s home from Elsa’s Wholesome Life lol. Check out Elsa’s home tour vid here:
Same timber stair rail design. Same white appliances. But mostly, Sarah’s new artwork is from the same artist in EXACTLY the same style as Elsa’s feature artwork in her dining room (its at the 10 mins mark on Elsa’s vid). Lol. I bet Elsa is highly amused. Sarah copies everything else in her life from other people’s ideas, I guess her home is no exception!
im not the biggest fan of Ellie personally, but far out these influencers make so much money it makes me actually feel unwell. The extravagant houses they purchase, the things they furnish their houses with, always seem to have pools... I know Ellie has a very overpriced shop as well as a cookbook (which I think I have one of her ebooks and it was terrible, might not be her though), but man. They have all this stuff most people will never have in their lifetime, and most of them are pushing 24-25, with the odd few just under 30. I don’t doubt there is work in being an influencer, but they’re remunerated far higher than the level of work they do for sure. Also convenient they’re all literal clones of each other. White, blonde, skinny, tanned, conventionally attractive. I guess at least Ellie is one who doesn’t seem like an absolute mole, she seems quite like a nice person.
also, just looked at that artists ig and shocked so many people I follow also follow her... what even is that art? I feel terrible saying that but it really does look like something a child or someone on acid would do?? like I feel I have more artistic ability than that... not sure on the vibe in all honesty. Also noticed she’s commissioned work for Ellie bullen’s twin recently too, Sarah probably got the idea from there lol.
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