I'm going to play devils advocate here, and I say this with a complete disclaimer that I support abortion and woman's choices.
~ However ~ as a young woman who grew up with a significantly disabled sister (rare genetic disorder) which led to her passing when she was 10, I take issue with how Sarah discussed the situation. My sister needed a lot of medical care, but she genuinely brightened our lives and made each of us more selfless and appreciative of life. I understand that there was a strain, but equally, people with disabilities aren't a burden and with Sarah's money, she can easily afford additional care for this child.
I can't help but think that Sarah was more worried about how this baby's condition would affect her perfect influencer life than the child itself. I know it isn't an easy choice for her on either side, but I got the sense that she was less concerned with the baby, and more concerned with herself and the lack of time she will have in the future to go to the gym for example. Perhaps I'm reading into it, but knowing her full-blown vanity, I struggled with the way that she spoke about it. If anyone is well equipped to take care of this child, its her considering the extensive family support she has including grandparents who are always willing to babysit and her incredible wealth. I would have preferred more discussion about his life quality rather than hers. I worry that she is only concerned about the impact on her 'organic' image. This child will need medical care