Saoirseandmama #3 Roseanna Ruane Remember my name, Fame!

That was the school that produced the show she attended at the Helix recently. But she is tagging them in the hope of getting some performing gig for FR I’d imagine. It’s way too pushy for any child but particularly one who’s just lost their big sister.
That school is elite and bloody expensive. Doesn't need to appease any instahuns
duck sake though, FR will be going back to school as well, I cannot understand her loss with Saoirse (I genuinely cannot as I haven't lost a child) but like she has that other gorgeous child, who is also doing stuff, but she's only wheeled out as the warm up act to Saoirse 😭 It's so shockingly sad for poor FR I can't even look at her stories anymore 😢
She comes across annoyed that other people are moving on with their lives and experiencing things with their children that sadly they won’t get to experience with Saoirse. I understand she’s grieving and part of grief is experiencing different emotions like anger , frustration etc but at some point she needs to accept that other peoples lives don’t need to revolve around Saoirse 24/7 but it’s like she expects everyone to make their whole life revolve around Saoirse and everything that they say or do they must involve Saoirse in it cause if not it’s like she wants them to feel guilty but that’s not fair or normal to expect that of people. At times it seems like she puts that expectation on FR too that she can’t enjoy something and have a life of her own without Saoirse being mentioned to take away from what FR has achieved and it doesn’t mean she should forget her sister of course it’s important to talk about her sister I understand that and help her grieve that’s important cause she needs that support but I think Roseanna forgets FR is her own person and she should not be put online she deserves privacy.

Saoirse is her daughter of course she’ll never be forgotten to her and it’s not like everyone who follows her or knew about Saoirse is going to forget the poor child existed but it’s like Roseanna expects everyone to obsess over Saoirse and continue to try make her into a celebrity when the poor child should be allowed rest in peace. It’s like Roseanna can’t handle the fame/popularity fading away a little and her only way to keep herself in the spotlight is by still exploiting Saoirse because although she does exploit FR a lot , she knows she got more attention exploiting a sick child who had been on tv etc and I think she misses using Saoirse to get the attention or free things she wanted. I know she still gets attention and freebies but she keeps desperately using Saoirse as a way to not lose that attention and freebies.

Saoirse was so strong and fought so hard and she’s an amazing person for that and so is anyone who has battled with cancer whether you’ve beat it or not you’re strong but Roseanna is doing way too much still exploiting Saoirse even after her death and exploiting FR too it’s so wrong. Like others have said on here if Roseanna used instagram etc just for herself and didn’t post anything to do with her kids then I would say fair enough she’s not exploiting her children she’s giving them a private life but unfortunately she is exploiting both her children and just cause one of them has sadly passed away that still doesn’t make it ok for the child to be exploited.
Did she really order a cake with that written on it!!
And that's the grave yard in the background...
I thinks that's mad, did the shop gift it to her.....

I don't think it's normal, like I don't buy a full cake when my kids start first year...
She went from a cake at the grave to af link to a makeup product and runners....she not right at all....
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I really object to children being shown to the masses online full stop. Their photos and images available to anyone to download and are there forever. It should be against the law to use children in this way for content. It’s even more disturbing in the case of FR, who is grieving her sister all while strangers online watch the process. It’s very wrong and Roseanna and her husband need to protect that child and give her the dignity to live her life and grieve in private without the pressure of cameras in her face. She has the right to live without being posted online as someone’s content.
Well she post FR saying hello then straight into her ads for make up I reckon she dies that on purpose uses farrah rose to speak on insta and people may view her chatting then they stay on for the bperfect she getting ready to show us some tacky haul how she has the interest to try on clothes il never understand...I could do with a whole new wardrobe since covid and I just don't have the interest or energy....
Well she post FR saying hello then straight into her ads for make up I reckon she dies that on purpose uses farrah rose to speak on insta and people may view her chatting then they stay on for the bperfect add..
I think that's exactly what she does.
It is so wrong seeing her post that little girl constantly. Who knows what damage is being done, the child will only understand as she gets older, that her image and every little thing she said and did was being displayed to all sorts. 😔

It's such a cynical way of going on.
And she still hasn't found the hashtag key. BA/AD is not a correct label, FFS.
Exhibit A... 🙄
In addition to not using correct labels, she breaches just about every one of the very straightforward guidelines.

Here we go. 6pm teaser up of her strutting her stuff. It makes me sick. I was really caught off guard with poor saoirses passing and this just makes me sick to my stomach. Set up a new page!!!! Soooo inappropriate

She’s grieving. She can have good days, bad days etc, she can focus on things that make her happy to try help the pain temporarily I get all of that.

This is just taking the piss. The child only passed a few months ago?? The af links, the mourn porn, the make up tutorials, the mourn porn, the collabs, Farrahy rose content, more AF

it’s disgusting and she should be reported.