Saoirseandmama #3 Roseanna Ruane Remember my name, Fame!

Was that a way of guilting the place to give free lunch? We lost children in our family and this has NEVER been done by any of the parents 😳
I can't imagine anyone else doing it, tbh, and I know grief is very individual and all of that.
She is fearful about her 'fame' declining if she doesn't keep doing stuff like that. I really believe she robs poor Saoirse, RIP, of her dignity by her caper.

I'd say the rant in the car with the big sour puss on her, was because maybe someone tried to gently tell her something she did not want to hear about her behaviour.
I just watched the ranting stories, my goodness that is a very bitter woman. The venom coming out of her - 'those that know they haven't been there know they haven't been there and shame on them' :oops: . Maybe they are terrified of approaching her, maybe she hasn't behaved very graciously towards them, maybe they're grieving and struggling - for her to take this stance publicly knowing they'll see her stories is very nasty and shows the type of person she is. She's addicted to the attention now, discussing every thought and feeling through her screen to a bunch of strangers. If ever there was a person to put the phone away it's her.
A case study for future theses I imagine!!
In your opinion that’s what you think just the same way I’m allowed say my opinion and what I think. You’re dragging this on taking up the thread like you want me to take back what I said but I’m not going to do that because it was my opinion , you don’t have to like or agree with it but that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed say what I want to say. Look agree to disagree because this back and forth is pointless.

Why are you so aggressive? 😂 You keep insisting everyone is entitled to their opinion and then exploding when someone disagrees with yours 😂😂

No one asked you to take back what you said, they just pointed out it was a vile disgusting conclusion. Your replies are erratic and reek of someone in dire need of therapy.

So please please please speak to a therapist as we here on Tattle are not paid to suffer listening to you. And if you can't find a therapist who will stay, go find a corner and argue with yourself there.
My god I just watched the Santa video
It was not nice to watch the poor child looking back at the mother to be guided what to say.
Poor Santa dident know what to do in the situation he was put in.
Could they not let the child have one occasion that's for her.
They can't keep makeing everything about the sister she lost.
I didn't watch the page regularly before Saoirse died but when I did I never noticed Farrah and she is such a little dote. Poor pet, she is always going to be second best and grow up under a cloud of grief. She seems very attuned to Roseanna's feelings. I have noticed a few times during the elf content that she asks her mum if she is ok. I cant imagine the level of anxiety she will have as she grows older.
Why are you so aggressive? 😂 You keep insisting everyone is entitled to their opinion and then exploding when someone disagrees with yours 😂😂

No one asked you to take back what you said, they just pointed out it was a vile disgusting conclusion. Your replies are erratic and reek of someone in dire need of therapy.

So please please please speak to a therapist as we here on Tattle are not paid to suffer listening to you. And if you can't find a therapist who will stay, go find a corner and argue with yourself there.
Well said,vile comments
My god I just watched the Santa video
It was not nice to watch the poor child looking back at the mother to be guided what to say.
Poor Santa dident know what to do in the situation he was put in.
Could they not let the child have one occasion that's for her.
They can't keep makeing everything about the sister she lost.
I don't follow this woman but sometimes this thread prompts me to look her up but my God that video was an uncomfortable watch.
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I don't follow this woman but sometimes this thread prompts me to look her up but my God that video was an uncomfortable watch.
I hope nobody on the thread follows her. I certainly don't. Never did. I take an occasional look via instanavigation when I read something here. It's actually distressing to see what she is doing to that innocent little girl. I hope she is saving hard from what she makes by using her, because that little girl is going to need a lot of therapy.

She has lived in the shadow of poor S, RIP, all of her life. First obviously due to S's illness and then her death. And now by not being allowed to have even a tiny moment of happiness to herself. A constant performance demanded of her, morning, noon and night. It's all so wrong, so so wrong.
This one needs serious help. Had a look there and she goes from lifes to short modelling party dresses to sharing FR and Santa. Nobody needs to see this it's private. And as for calling a stylist in to put up the Xmas tree has she no family or friends that would do it. I personally know how hard Xmas is when someone dies and can only imagine it to be a million times worse when it's your child but she's just not right