Sam Faiers #18 Claims to be protecting kids, Pimps hers out to earn those quids

Sam's chem trails don't count guys.


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Can’t get over what she’s done to her face!! How does she have a skin brand when she’s pumped to the max of crap

Literally just came here to say the same. She is starting to look like the bride of wilderstein- seriously.


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She’s made a huge deal about the Dubai trip but has failed to say anyone in business can buy a ticket to the event, she wasn’t specially invited nor was she there as a speaker. She’s spent more time flogging her new kids clothing, hence taking the youngest (and mummy) I presume Gaynor moves in to look after Rosie because BBP will be too busy hanging out with his bestie BP 🙄
She’s made a huge deal about the Dubai trip but has failed to say anyone in business can buy a ticket to the event, she wasn’t specially invited nor was she there as a speaker. She’s spent more time flogging her new kids clothing, hence taking the youngest (and mummy) I presume Gaynor moves in to look after Rosie because BBP will be too busy hanging out with his bestie BP 🙄
Can fully see Rosie doing a matilda and legally emancipating herself from her dumb parents and self entitled older brother
Can fully see Rosie doing a matilda and legally emancipating herself from her dumb parents and self entitled older brother
Why is he only interested in BP when he has three kids?
Wow, well
- nice family ❌
- gives compliments ❌
- makes the tea ❌
- ambitious and driven ❌
- spoils her ❌
- spends time as a family group ❌
That aged well, Sam!
It drives me up the wall that she doesn’t give him hell about his lazy entitled behaviour and make him get off his arse and make his own beans on f***ing toast! I hope no young women ever watch the mummy diaries and think BBPs behaviour is normal and/or something a woman should tolerate in a relationship.
He has severe daddy issues. Through BB
P he gets to re reate the childhood of a loving father son relationship that he never had.

I also think that after BP, he didn't want anymore children. Sam only gave him more cos she thought she'd get a ring
Can’t he do that with all three though?
I remember seeing a bit of the episode where Sam suggests Bp go to nursery for two half days a week and bbp got all funny about it. That was almost as weird as snogging his mum, especially as Sam was concerned by be at the same level as the other children when he started school.