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Hi to everyone feeding snippets from this forum to Sali! Could you please share this one with her, verbatim?
That’s interesting @Jelly Bean . I would definitely be hesitant to talk about something in such damning terms if I hadn’t seen it before. Does she say she hasn’t seen it herself so she can explain why she lied in the video?? But then why make a video about something you’re not totally sure of.
I’m very sorry for anyone who suffers crippling anxiety. An interesting piece of research might be whether or not spending X amount of hours on Instagram/sharing X personal details/relying on Instagram for money or a sense of self can play into higher levels of anxiety.
There is a question of personal responsibility when you choose your career. Some people are very robust and don’t care what people say about them. Others focus in on the negatives and can’t move past them.
if someone of the latter disposition does something immoral/gains from being deceptive/is a ruthless salesperson masquerading as a friend then what should the rest of us do? Stay quiet so they can continue without having hurt feelings seems to be the influencer stance.
That’s ok, but then up pops another person who is highly anxious due to the unrealistic goals set for their image by influencer culture. The message is that person doesn’t matter.
From my perspective that’s all wrong - I believe in a utilitarian sort of outlook. If the career you choose is damaging to a lot of people the smallest thing you can do to compensate is listen to the damage and see if some can be repaired. It is reprehensible to me that a person could steam through life being a bully and a manipulator and then cry damages at the response. I didn’t go looking for SH. She looked for my readership and follow and support, which I did for years and years.
But it seems that tracking is only welcome if you LOVE the content and agree with it or simply walk away. That’s not how most people work. Most people develop relationships with the culture and react. It’s healthy and it creates new forms of culture and art and community. To try to stunt that natural process for your own gain is supremely nasty and self important. But it’s also foolish.
unfortunately I think the reason the MOD story was so big is because everyone knows the influencer bubble is bursting. Maybe sali thinks there is enough demand for fluff pieces but if I were her I would be honing my serious journalism skills with the assumption that appetite for tat has waned irreversibly. And that would mean reading something before you publicly and strongly attempt to discredit it. Trying to shut something down without ever having seen it is very questionable behaviour.