VIP Member
I feel like she sent that message to herself! It was the bit about the ‘well written blog posts’ that made me suspicious, and like she’s kissing her own arse...
I guess if you had little understanding of the English language, were very tolerant of extremely poor grammar and a fan of cliché, you might find her blog well writtenI feel like she sent that message to herself! It was the bit about the ‘well written blog posts’ that made me suspicious, and like she’s kissing her own arse...
Just a few miles away@Hertswoman do you live in the same “village”?
I feel like she sent that message to herself! It was the bit about the ‘well written blog posts’ that made me suspicious, and like she’s kissing her own arse...
Exactly what I thought tooI feel like she sent that message to herself! It was the bit about the ‘well written blog posts’ that made me suspicious, and like she’s kissing her own arse...
Spot on!Grabanzai's Day...
1) Price up baby swimming lessons and find they are very expensive.
2) Wish your husband really did earn the type of money you bully brag he earns.
3) Post an unrelated grid picture and ask for baby swimming 'advice'
4) Sit back and hope lots of people will respond tagging baby swimming companies into their responses.
5) religiously read a few messages and write replies for a bit of engagement.
6) Scan each other post but don't respond as you don't actually care what anyone says unless they've tagged the brand you want.
7) frustrated at lack of freebies offered also put out a story reminding people what you are asking.
8) stamp feet Veruca Salt style and plan another attack another day.
Grabanzai's Day...
1) Price up baby swimming lessons and find they are very expensive.
2) Wish your husband really did earn the type of money you bully brag he earns.
3) Post an unrelated grid picture and ask for baby swimming 'advice'
4) Sit back and hope lots of people will respond tagging baby swimming companies into their responses.
5) religiously read a few messages and write replies for a bit of engagement.
6) Scan each other post but don't respond as you don't actually care what anyone says unless they've tagged the brand you want.
7) frustrated at lack of freebies offered also put out a story reminding people what you are asking.
8) stamp feet Veruca Salt style and plan another attack another day.
HOW MUCH?!But perfectly normal to spend £95 on a pair of gym leggings
Ah but they "hold you in" apparently.HOW MUCH?!
Oh that explains it then. She’s absolutely definitely needs something to hold that huge tummy in(!)Ah but they "hold you in" apparently.
How dense is she?!“Does the water need to be a special temperature?”
What a bleeping moron she is
I don’t think she can stand the thought of going to the local leisure centre. God forbid....she simply cannot mix with the commoners. She’ll soon be left behind as her NCT ‘friends’ realise she has no interest in anything that isn’t gram worthy. Freya will miss out on so many opportunities“Everyone else is all ‘I’ve booked this class’”...Wonder who she’s referring to...NCT “friends”? Of course unless Turtle Tots/Water babies are going to cough up and offer her a freebie (which they won’t) she has no intentions of taking her swimming to a local leisure centre once a week for a little family you say no opportunity for posting photos to the ‘gram and would totally get in the way of their weekly trips to Berkhamstead for avocado brunch/trips to Colombia Road flower market/dog (pup) walk across the same old field...this is merely a post grappling for engagement and some free towels/swimming costumes
She certainly doesn’t take it day by day either. Everything is planned out to the nth degree. She was doing her Sainsburys shop online while in Italy. She was moaning about not being able to lay Freya down in the grass during the winter time, therefore decreasing the amount of pictures she could take for the ‘gram.“Everyone else is all ‘I’ve booked this class’”...Wonder who she’s referring to...NCT “friends”? Of course unless Turtle Tots/Water babies are going to cough up and offer her a freebie (which they won’t) she has no intentions of taking her swimming to a local leisure centre once a week for a little family you say no opportunity for posting photos to the ‘gram and would totally get in the way of their weekly trips to Berkhamstead for avocado brunch/trips to Colombia Road flower market/dog (pup) walk across the same old field...this is merely a post grappling for engagement and some free towels/swimming costumes
I can honestly say that I've learned nothing from any of her travel 'blogs' aside from don't go to lake como becuase there aren't supermarkets. I'm also well-travelled and would be looking to give a load more information on the destination and experiences over supermarkets and 'ridiculously easy' buses and trains. If you're going to have a carbon footprint, Grabby, at least do it properly. I think a lot of her followers must be utter morons for all the praise they give her.I honestly thought that too. For me it was the bit about following the travel blogs to a tee. Not only is that an unnecessary inclusion in the sentence, but also unbelievable. I am lucky to have travelled a lot (yes, a lot more than you Grabby, believe it or not, even with your gifted holidays and husband who earns ten times more), and I can honestly say that travel blogs are very poor. She does not properly experience, or embrace, anywhere.
just effing take freya for a swim. the earlier the better, get her in the water and learning. I'm amazed she can get herself dressed in the morning with all the advice she needs to make a decision. I also really hope that companies start to wise up to this shameless fishing for freebies. if you can invest £95 in sweaty betty leggings *affiliate, you can invest £165 in getting your baby to swim. It's a vital skill to have, and one she's likely to need if she wants to join Grabby Mummy and Grandad for #vitaminsea holidays.“Everyone else is all ‘I’ve booked this class’”...Wonder who she’s referring to...NCT “friends”? Of course unless Turtle Tots/Water babies are going to cough up and offer her a freebie (which they won’t) she has no intentions of taking her swimming to a local leisure centre once a week for a little family you say no opportunity for posting photos to the ‘gram and would totally get in the way of their weekly trips to Berkhamstead for avocado brunch/trips to Colombia Road flower market/dog (pup) walk across the same old field...this is merely a post grappling for engagement and some free towels/swimming costumes