I don't mean to harp on about the iron levels! But it was such a well meaning Irish comment. I was really shocked by Rosemary's response to it. I know people can probably overstep boundaries, but i feel for the most part rosemary has a good thing going with her followers. There isn't a big curated 'us and them' distance. In fairness to Rosemary i feel like she responds as you would to any pal, and that person was likewise messaging Rosemary as you would a pal! obviously pals can sometimes say the wrong thing, but the response of 'do not give people medical advice' felt so harsh - It's akin to that overuse of therapy language and 'boundary' speak which often leads to such hyper individualism, and then people lose the run of themselves if they don't like something, when it doesn't have to be that deep at all! I have also been an on and off patreon subscriber but it drives me cracked when episodes are missed! Podcasts are like a new extension of radio - you tune in to listen to your show on X day each week. so if they say every Tuesday, then you'll be part of my Tuesday routine and I'll be your loyal customer! It is not sustainable to have a funded version of a podcast, and then post willy nilly. Of course there are holidays but you are prepped for when that is happening - and in many cases people have backed up podcasts etc.. I do root for Rosemary, but i really feel the need to get this all off my chest lol.