VIP Member
Louise McSharry levels of looking for something to be outraged about there.
I'm sure herself and Louise were separated at birth.
Louise McSharry levels of looking for something to be outraged about there.
Nope she still takes the sub money. And she does this a LOT on Substack and Patreon. Robbing a livingDoes eye pause subscription when doing this?
What a pain that must be, would lead me to think her MH must be badly suffering if she's willing to lose out
I think she hates America,being a mother,wonders how the duck she has ended up married to some unremarkable yank with a dozen kids.The thought of another tit swinger for two years while number one vandalises the place would bring Mary Poppins to her knees.
She wants to be home in Dublin,flitting from Five Guys to Two Pups,a straight haired,size 8 Insta Hun,swanning from PR Freebie to Hashtag Spon events.
She might also look down at her arm and see that Texaco Art Competition Under 7s drawing of a melted dog on her arm and have many WFF moments.
Are you trying to feature on her instagram?I think she hates America,being a mother,wonders how the duck she has ended up married to some unremarkable yank with a dozen kids.The thought of another tit swinger for two years while number one vandalises the place would bring Mary Poppins to her knees.
She wants to be home in Dublin,flitting from Five Guys to Two Pups,a straight haired,size 8 Insta Hun,swanning from PR Freebie to Hashtag Spon events.
She might also look down at her arm and see that Texaco Art Competition Under 7s drawing of a melted dog on her arm and have many WFF moments.
Another bout of attentionseekeritis.Im gathering by the unplanned hiatus , that Rosemary or B is going through something.
Exactly its beyond lazy and disrespectful, to in fairness very loyal followers. They are also so boring, she asked people what content they wanted, completely ignored said requests and then produces nothing.I can’t believe they don’t have episodes banked. It’s not like their episodes are particularly well researched (if at all), and there seems to be the bare minimum of mixing/editing done to them. I can’t think of anything that would require less energy from me than having a conversation with my sister and pressing record.
Shocking. Poor little kidI wouldn’t even send a photo of my kid having a tantrum to the family group let alone posting it to thousands of internet folk. Autonomy and privacy seem to be at the bottom of human rights needs for some people’s kids..
Exactly, she sounded completely ridiculous. And when you do pay insurance here it sounds like you get way more for your money here than over there!How on earth is she praising American healthcare when she has expensive health insurance and will still get at least a $500 bill in the door for a 3 hr stay I’d rather have to wait a little longer over here for something non urgent and not be crippled financially after it for my troubles!