Had to listen to the agony aunt episode. It was worse than I expected. Rosemary should never give advice again. They started by asking people to give as much detail as possible. Maybe you should reply to the person directly and ask them beforehand? research I believe it’s called, the thing they said they would like to hire someone to do. No chance they’d do it themselves, between the two of them to build up the flimsy podcast that should be a hell of a lot more connected than it is. She advised a mother with very young kids who hadn’t had sex with her husband in months to ask a family member to watch the kids and go for lunch with her husband. The smug privilege of this woman to be surrounded by family! Has she any idea how lucky she is to have help so close by and then assumes that it is the norm for everyone.
They also suggested that another woman considering quitting full time employment to stay at home with kids and also do part time freelance accountancy work should take a career break, and work freelance during it. Completely against the point of a career break and would likely get her fired! Rosemary is dangerously immature and both of them are completely uninformed and spreading terrible and incorrect facts as ‘advice’. Marian Finucane was even referenced as still doing Liveline. It was 25 years ago Beatrice.