He is definitely from a privileged background, Cousin to Nigella and Dominic Lawson. Private schools, Oxbridge, the works.
I think his earlier career involved a lot of travelling -- the kind of adventuring derring-do that certain confident classes love to do, lots of exotic developing world trips. Then his environmentalism took hold and he stopped travelling so much and also started preaching that nobody else should travel either. Which is
bleeping patronising and annoying, IMO.
Generally, I think he's interesting to read and he does involve himself in some interesting causes and projects that being a well-padded freelancer can offer. Prior to the recent election, he was part of a process in Devon to work out better ways of tactical voting to get the Tories out of Totnes.
But overall, he comes across as arrogant and a bit of a prat and I think he would irritate the life out of me at a dinner party.
Just read Monbiot's Wikipedia entry and this para jumped out at me. This is how posh people operate -- becomes media luvvy cos of good accent and confidence but pisses off other activists, then gets beaten up for activism and some well-connected friend helicopters him into an Oxford fellowship while he recovers from his injuries. Tosser.
"He joined the
British roads protest movement and was often called to give press interviews; as a result he was denounced as a "
media tart"
[23] by groups such as
Green Anarchist and
Class War. He claims he was brutally beaten and attacked by security guards, who allegedly drove a metal spike through his foot, smashing the middle metatarsal bone. His injuries left him in hospital.
[24] Sir
Crispin Tickell, a former United Nations diplomat, who was then
Warden at
Green College, Oxford, made the young protester a
Visiting Fellow."