Travelling home at Christmas was a completely selfish decision that they chose to ignore the chief medical officer and Irish government who told Irish people to remain where they are. So when Erika says she was allowed, of course Aerlingus allowed you, they wanted your money! But in terms of potentially endangering the lives of many, you risked it! Oh how I know you will say? How? Because how many PCR tests did your do, that’s more people in contact to put at risk. Airport staff, taxi out of NY. Then when home, I know it was just your family but hang on, where did you pick up your Mercedes? No interaction with anyone? Visits to the supermarket etc. Ok so let’s say you didn’t pose any threat to anyone. You still decided to not consider the government guidelines to stay where you are. You obviously are not taking the pandemic seriously. While the majority of us are not travelling beyond our 5k and haven’t seen our families, you have travelled thousands of miles! Now that you are back in NY you can dine outside, live a great life while the rest of us are still in lockdown because....oh yes because of a new strain of the virus brought into the country from people travelling. But of course I know that wasn’t directly your fault so why is everyone picking on you. I’m sorry, my bad.