Mutural friends of mine met the two girls on a night out in NYC. Kaelin esp was extremely snobbish , would not speak to anyone she was scrolling on her phone for most of the night and didn't make effort - until, my friend mentioned what he did for a living....I won't say exactly, but he has a very good job, makes a lot of money. She was all over him with questions, and was suddenly all about him. Embarrassing for them, I did like those girls for a while, but they are totally out of touch with reality now. Their content is so boring, its the same time and time again. They should listen to their following and branch out a bit more then they are right now! NYC is amazing! It has so much to offer, but they make it so bland....You'd love if they came out of their comfort zone a little bit and did something else besides go to coffee shops and shop in Zara. I want them to go to more thrift stores and indie brands around NYC, venture into Brooklyn and show something besides upscale manhattan. I preferred retro when her style was a little more unique, she shopped more vintage pieces rather then just the designer ones. Im waiting for retro to say she's going back to "work" in something like real-estate, this gig currently cannot afford their lifestyle for too much longer esp the rent prices in the neighbourhood they live in.