Rebeccaloves__#57 Carrie Grabshaw and the 12 days of griftmas

So she didn't even bother to see a real doctor or go to a GP or A&E?

Worst she's ever felt, shaking, thought she was dying, emergency golf cart ride to her car. But has no interest now in figuring out what was wrong (presumably in case it scuppers Wednesdays holiday plans

I wonder has she been severely restricting her food? The shaking and rapid recovery could be starving herself and then finally eating due to thinking she was literally dying. And with a holiday coming up she'll want her back extra boney.
Sounds like she probably had a migraine?
She's so weird. Why post such vague details of what she's likened to the WORST pain ever (10 x sicker than you lady) and see a paramedic but now she's home and all better....
For the record, I suffer from migraines and had one not so long ago. Totally debilitating, 2 full days in bed not being to open my eyes, hold down even a sip of water (so no point taking any kind of pain). But I know the drill and it does eventually pass, so while the pain is bad, I know I have to just go through the process and rest until it passes. I'm not saying she had a migraine, but she's such a drama llama, heaven help her is she actually does get properly sick at some point. I don't think feeling you need to go to hospital but deciding to carry on to a second destination whilst throwing up makes any sense. You would just go home, right? And auld Dr BP was even worried, but still they carried on? There's a whiff of psychosomatic symptoms going on here...
I just can’t get over the fact that she was supposedly the worst she’s ever been and the worst Dr Ben ever seen her, wanted to go to hospital but then just proceeded to have a nap in her car and still go ahead with the light trail booking. At no point did they think ok that’s a sign, let’s wrap it up and let’s get you to bed to rest instead of pushing and potentially spreading germs around.
What a couple of absolute nutters.