What in the
This has fried my brain and it's only Monday. After clicking on her reels and trying not to spew at those courgette muffins she posted about. She treated us, as per usual, with just how busy the non-working Sterlings have been. The birthday party in the woods looked fantastic, loved there was normal food and that birthday cake looked soo magical for a simple unpretentious design... and you can be certain, grabby had party bag envy
It surprised me that the Sterlings actually attend car boot sales, thought that would be beneath them.
Thankfully, grabby also wanted to remind us what her fake tanned tippex toes feet looked like #blessed
Of course she had to throw in a little AD in for good measure too, with the tiny tiniest writing ever. What's the betting Indiana Ratlas escapes from the corridor of doom cot on a regular basis
Anyway, this is where I got confuddled. The
'very much hoping for a better 2nd half of the holidays' followed by
'some reality' {what, finally getting a proper bonified job?!?}
Trigger warning to not read if you need to protect yourself' <-- eh!?! now I'm really confused!!! Cappuccino Dahlias in the kitchen captioned with...
'Its always hard to know how much to share...' Erm hang on, have I just read that right? Grabby, you've shared soo much that we know more about you than some of our own relatives
... Teeny Blip?!?!?
... Grateful?!?!? not a word I'd associate with Grabby
Then posting a screenshot of her NHS app she's downloaded and more vague witterings, finally thanking people for all their messages. I'm still utterly confused as to what the
duck she's going on about, then I clicked her actual Instagram posting...
Trigger warning, baby loss and health anxiety. Oh bejesus. Read through what she put and I am literally rolling my
bleeping eyes. So, she had an infection that could possibly maybe might cause cancer but obviously the percentage would be quite low and she did the thing of googling stuff and thought she was dying. Then she blamed her no periods/forgetting she hadn't had a period on the antibollox and/or fasting, forgetting that they had their yearly bunk up and Benpeeado had planted a seed in her tummy
More long winded waffle about ectopic symptoms, doctors being baffled blah blah blah. I'm pretty sure the doctors weren't baffled, they would've been 100% on it if an ectopic pregnancy was likely. Maybe Dr Benpeeado was giving his 2 pennies worth of what the actual doctors should be doing.
Grabby also seems to forget that many women have miscarriages but of course hers was 10x worse/medical mystery. My 2nd {unplanned} pregnancy ended in miscarriage about a week before I was due the first scan. I even had the indignity of the midwife coming round to do a prenatal and the awkwardness of my husband telling her that I'd miscarried.
Anyway, I would hope that this 'first half of the holidays' and what's happened would've given her some humility but I doubt she even knows the meaning of the word.