Pregnancy Off Topic #5 “Are men ok??”

I’ve decf
Yeah according to what I’ve read it can be disrupted naps!! Don’t look it up on TikTok though unless you want your entire feed to be about the 4m regression and to fill you with sheer dread 🤣🫠
Deffo noticed a difference in day time naps, much shorter and noises which never woke him can sometimes wake him, but thankfully night time is pretty much perfect.
I’ve decf

Deffo noticed a difference in day time naps, much shorter and noises which never woke him can sometimes wake him, but thankfully night time is pretty much perfect.

Baby burgs is doing 30 min naps to the exact minute 🫠 and waking up a little bit more at night but if this is it I can’t complain 🤞🏼 would just be nice to not have to sprint around the house doing stuff when he does go off 🤣
Yeah according to what I’ve read it can be disrupted naps!! Don’t look it up on TikTok though unless you want your entire feed to be about the 4m regression and to fill you with sheer dread 🤣🫠

Hahaha that’s a very good point, I’ll avoid at all costs 😂 naps have become a daily night even when he is clearly EXHAUSTED. I wish he had my love of naps!

@Tazzie pp hair loss is horrific for me so maybe you’ve got lucky! I told mr b that I’ll be bald soon if this keep up 🙃
My pp hair loss has finally stopped (almost 8 months pp). I now have these stupid baby hairs growing in that are an entirely different colour and texture to the rest of my hair 🤦‍♀️
Hahaha that’s a very good point, I’ll avoid at all costs 😂 naps have become a daily night even when he is clearly EXHAUSTED. I wish he had my love of naps!

@Tazzie pp hair loss is horrific for me so maybe you’ve got lucky! I told mr b that I’ll be bald soon if this keep up 🙃
Oh crap, maybe it’s still on the cards.. planning on getting my highlights done soon but I’ll wait a few more weeks… 😂😂😂
I’ve got a blood test booked just in case it’s anything else as the PP hair loss was becoming untenable. Handfuls every day and it’s looking so sparse. But I’ve started taking a biotin, zinc & selenium supplement and also iron again and it’s suddenly calmed down by about 2/3. I feel like it’s got to be coincidence as it was within 3-4 days but 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’ve got a blood test booked just in case it’s anything else as the PP hair loss was becoming untenable. Handfuls every day and it’s looking so sparse. But I’ve started taking a biotin, zinc & selenium supplement and also iron again and it’s suddenly calmed down by about 2/3. I feel like it’s got to be coincidence as it was within 3-4 days but 🤷🏼‍♀️

I had bad anaemia when I was younger and experienced similar hair loss as you've described. It was so bad I had a bald spot ☹️ Started on iron supplements and it got better within a couple of days. Have you experienced any other symptoms at all? Pleased the supplements are helping though 😊
I had bad anaemia when I was younger and experienced similar hair loss as you've described. It was so bad I had a bald spot ☹ Started on iron supplements and it got better within a couple of days. Have you experienced any other symptoms at all? Pleased the supplements are helping though 😊
Oh that’s interesting. Thank you.
They said I was borderline anemic when they did bloods 6-8weeks is after C-sec and prescribed iron. I took it for a bit, then not religiously, I interspersed with spatone. But now baby’s not sleeping I look like I’ve been dug up plus the hair I’m taking it properly so 🤞🏼
I knew about biotin but not the effect of zinc and iron so much so I’m kicking myself I didn’t do it properly sooner and just accepted it as one of those things.
I’m good too. 39+6 today! Currently in hospital waiting to be induced as my waters broke over 24 hours ago and I’ve not gone into labour yet. It’s all very slow so far but am excited to meet baby boy soon!

Ah congratulations!!! Hope baby will be here soon x
I’m good too. 39+6 today! Currently in hospital waiting to be induced as my waters broke over 24 hours ago and I’ve not gone into labour yet. It’s all very slow so far but am excited to meet baby boy soon!
Ah how exciting! Hope all is well, can’t wait for your update xx
A little OT but you guys are always so helpful.

I saw my GP today about my PMDD because I'm worried how I'll cope with my multiple different personalities throughout the month and also my now super heavy painful period. She agreed, said I absolutely have PMDD (thanks Watermelon for initially suggesting it) and suggested a few treatment pathways. I think my symptoms are most likely driven by my hormones being all over the place after having Wee Man so she suggested I try the coil. I can't have the pill, in any form for various reasons, and other options scare me. I also can't have SSRIs as they make me sick. I hope this is the right option for me. Hoping that it'll help give me at least a week where I feel human so I can focus on my diet and lose weight so that my body doesn't hurt so much and I feel better about myself. Seriously considering Mounjaro otherwise. She did say that I would probably benefit from in person CBT but said that I'd be waiting a really long time on the NHS so would have to go private if that was something I wanted to try.

Also just seen that they're having voluntary and compulsory redundancies at my work. No idea if I'm effected or not, no idea if OH is either. Just something else to feel anxious about 😔
A little OT but you guys are always so helpful.

I saw my GP today about my PMDD because I'm worried how I'll cope with my multiple different personalities throughout the month and also my now super heavy painful period. She agreed, said I absolutely have PMDD (thanks Watermelon for initially suggesting it) and suggested a few treatment pathways. I think my symptoms are most likely driven by my hormones being all over the place after having Wee Man so she suggested I try the coil. I can't have the pill, in any form for various reasons, and other options scare me. I also can't have SSRIs as they make me sick. I hope this is the right option for me. Hoping that it'll help give me at least a week where I feel human so I can focus on my diet and lose weight so that my body doesn't hurt so much and I feel better about myself. Seriously considering Mounjaro otherwise. She did say that I would probably benefit from in person CBT but said that I'd be waiting a really long time on the NHS so would have to go private if that was something I wanted to try.

Also just seen that they're having voluntary and compulsory redundancies at my work. No idea if I'm effected or not, no idea if OH is either. Just something else to feel anxious about 😔
Glad you can get some support but sorry you are going through all that. I have had CBT in the past and found it quite helpful just to talk to a third party (a bit like on here!) I only had 3-4 sessions and then felt that was enough.

We are still struggling with feeding. Baby doesn’t latch to the boob well and when she does she falls asleep within 2 mins. She’s then formula fed too but that seems to give her awful wind and struggles to poop. So my days are either battling to breastfeed her or dealing with winding her (both involving lots of screaming). Sometimes I worry I’ve done something wrong and rarely have a calm and happy baby to coo over 😣😣
We have a private lactation consultant coming this morning and a cranial osteopath tomorrow to try and see if we can sort things out. After that I think I need to try a different type of milk to see if that helps with her formula digestion issues.
I’ve just read your post on the new baby thread too Green, but replying here rather than on both.

If you’re struggling with latch and she’s getting very windy from formula have you had her assessed for tongue tie? The quickest way is privately. Your HV/GP/MW can’t assess but they can refer you and may do it as your BFing but if you’re formula feeding and baby is gaining weight the NHS care a lot less.

Re cluster feeding from the other thread - just go with it. If she’s full she won’t eat but around 4 weeks there’s a growth spurt so she will definitely be hungrier. If she’s struggling with wind a drop of infacol or gripe water can work wonders. I wouldn’t change formulas just yet. Which one are you using? And which bottles? Do you have anti colic ones like MAM or the Tommee Tippee ones? How’s her latch on them if she’s struggling with latching to BF? Have you looked up winding techniques? We found the “magic burp” most effective when he was small - where you stretch them out to wind. Others find holding them upright wiggling their lower body helps. There’s lots of different ways and you may find a different one to the one you’re currently using works magically for her. Have a look on tiktok or YouTube 😊

Magic burp:

Constipation is common in formula fed babies but depending on which formula you’re using ready to feed versions often help them to go. Baby R has always been a once a day man but if he doesn’t go I give him a RTF and a foot massage and it gets things moving. There are certain points you focus on - lots of videos on YouTube or guides if you google 😊

Also look up the witching hour to reassure you the evening chaos and baby melt is normal. It’s definitely not an hour 🫠

And finally you mentioned your low mood on the other post. Please speak to your MW or HV. They can refer you to the specific maternity mental health team and they can help.
I’ve just read your post on the new baby thread too Green, but replying here rather than on both.

If you’re struggling with latch and she’s getting very windy from formula have you had her assessed for tongue tie? The quickest way is privately. Your HV/GP/MW can’t assess but they can refer you and may do it as your BFing but if you’re formula feeding and baby is gaining weight the NHS care a lot less.

Re cluster feeding from the other thread - just go with it. If she’s full she won’t eat but around 4 weeks there’s a growth spurt so she will definitely be hungrier. If she’s struggling with wind a drop of infacol or gripe water can work wonders. I wouldn’t change formulas just yet. Which one are you using? And which bottles? Do you have anti colic ones like MAM or the Tommee Tippee ones? How’s her latch on them if she’s struggling with latching to BF? Have you looked up winding techniques? We found the “magic burp” most effective when he was small - where you stretch them out to wind. Others find holding them upright wiggling their lower body helps. There’s lots of different ways and you may find a different one to the one you’re currently using works magically for her. Have a look on tiktok or YouTube 😊

Magic burp:

Constipation is common in formula fed babies but depending on which formula you’re using ready to feed versions often help them to go. Baby R has always been a once a day man but if he doesn’t go I give him a RTF and a foot massage and it gets things moving. There are certain points you focus on - lots of videos on YouTube or guides if you google 😊

Also look up the witching hour to reassure you the evening chaos and baby melt is normal. It’s definitely not an hour 🫠

And finally you mentioned your low mood on the other post. Please speak to your MW or HV. They can refer you to the specific maternity mental health team and they can help.

Thank you my lovely.

She had a tongue tie review by the midwives who said they “don’t think” she has one, but that we should wait till she’s a bit bigger to have it re-assessed, which is really annoying. She takes a bottle really well, so I assume that means she doesn’t have one?

we use the Tommy Tippee anti colic bottles and just started to try the Dr Brown ones today to see if that makes any difference. She’s on Aptamil formula. She’s pooping a lot, so not constipated, and although she seems full and in pain we burp her for ages and not much seems to happen other than one burp/hiccups. She’ll then tend to do a huge fart and liquidy poo about 3-4 hours later.

the lactation consultant and the osteopath we are seeing this week are both certified tongue tie assessors so I’m hoping they can provide some insights. Overall I’d love to BF more as it is so much easier on her tummy and makes her more calm and sleepy, but I’m also preparing for not being able to, and so need some solution that’ll work for formula feeding.