Pregnancy #63

How far along are you?

  • Under 12 weeks

    Votes: 26 25.2%
  • 12-18 weeks

    Votes: 17 16.5%
  • 19-26 weeks

    Votes: 9 8.7%
  • 27-32 weeks

    Votes: 16 15.5%
  • 33-38 weeks

    Votes: 18 17.5%
  • Full term/overdue

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • Had my baby but still here

    Votes: 13 12.6%

  • Total voters
I think that's very normal. I don't have one myself but perhaps try looking at it that you are going to have so much more monitoring and people looking after you than a low risk pregnancy so if, god forbid, something goes wrong they are going to be on it immediately and you are in safe hands.
Thanks lovely ❤️ that is a very good way to look at it.
I’ve had 2 mcs but this is the first time on meds and being looked after so hoping this one sticks x
Here to rant about misuse of parent and child spaces today. Why is it that they’re always full of balding, middle aged men who have an Audi on PCP that they can’t afford so have to park in a bigger space?? It’s okay Dave, I’ll haul my pregnant arse and toddler from the back of the car park, as long as your mid-life crisis car doesn’t get a ding!

Pisses me off more when it’s women with much older children still using them, you’ve done your time and know how hard it is!!

Never mad at pregnant women using them, you absolutely need to towards the end.
I’m 37 weeks on Sunday and not due to see midwife again til I’m 39+5, although baby is engaged and almost bursting out when I stand too long so I don’t know if I’ll make it 😂😂😂

anyway, she’s offered me a sweep on that day of if I feel like it so has asked me to think about it. What’s everyone’s experiences and thoughts?
Here to rant about misuse of parent and child spaces today. Why is it that they’re always full of balding, middle aged men who have an Audi on PCP that they can’t afford so have to park in a bigger space?? It’s okay Dave, I’ll haul my pregnant arse and toddler from the back of the car park, as long as your mid-life crisis car doesn’t get a ding!

Pisses me off more when it’s women with much older children still using them, you’ve done your time and know how hard it is!!

Never mad at pregnant women using them, you absolutely need to towards the end.

My local Tesco only has 7 spaces and they’re rarely ever free as like you say it’s always people using them that don’t need to :(
I’m 37 weeks on Sunday and not due to see midwife again til I’m 39+5, although baby is engaged and almost bursting out when I stand too long so I don’t know if I’ll make it 😂😂😂

anyway, she’s offered me a sweep on that day of if I feel like it so has asked me to think about it. What’s everyone’s experiences and thoughts?

I had 3 sweeps! Every week from 38, 39 and baby was born 40+5 the day after my last sweep. Didn’t hurt or anything was just a bit uncomfortable
Here to rant about misuse of parent and child spaces today. Why is it that they’re always full of balding, middle aged men who have an Audi on PCP that they can’t afford so have to park in a bigger space?? It’s okay Dave, I’ll haul my pregnant arse and toddler from the back of the car park, as long as your mid-life crisis car doesn’t get a ding!

Pisses me off more when it’s women with much older children still using them, you’ve done your time and know how hard it is!!

Never mad at pregnant women using them, you absolutely need to towards the end.

This occurred to me the other day. Would Mum's be mad at me if I used a space when heavily pregnant because I'll need more space to open the door.
Here to rant about misuse of parent and child spaces today. Why is it that they’re always full of balding, middle aged men who have an Audi on PCP that they can’t afford so have to park in a bigger space?? It’s okay Dave, I’ll haul my pregnant arse and toddler from the back of the car park, as long as your mid-life crisis car doesn’t get a ding!

Pisses me off more when it’s women with much older children still using them, you’ve done your time and know how hard it is!!

Never mad at pregnant women using them, you absolutely need to towards the end.
Ugh I feel you, yesterday some 45 ye old man and his 14 year old daughter got out of the space next to me. So ridiculous, it’s obviously for prams. I hate it sooo much when they are full. The other day also I had to park in a normal space and fight to get the car seat back in and fold the pram down - all the while there was a man sitting parked in the car next to me just watching. Could have reversed back or offered to help but noooo, why be a decent human
This occurred to me the other day. Would Mum's be mad at me if I used a space when heavily pregnant because I'll need more space to open the door.
Definitley not - I used them a few times when I was wider than a house, in my head I was like “if anyone dares to say anything they will regret it as I have a full rebuttal practiced in my head” 😂
Never mad at pregnant women using them, you absolutely need to towards the end.

As a lady who is now 38 weeks pregnant and the size of Shamu, I used a parent and child space for the first time this week while I went into a shop. As I was getting out of the car, there was a lady with what I'd guess was a 4 year old parking opposite me who shouted over that they were for parents and not just anyone. I was gobsmacked and just pointed at my belly and did these arms 🤷🏻‍♀️ !!
This occurred to me the other day. Would Mum's be mad at me if I used a space when heavily pregnant because I'll need more space to open the door.

99.9% of Mums wouldn’t be mad at all! I’d never think twice about a pregnant woman using one, you need more space to get in and out, just like you need the space to get a car seat/toddler out.

I’d say once your child is a teenager, you probably don’t need to use the space!
Has anyone suffered with constipation and has been table to take anything that’s worked? I usually take magnesium but not sure if that’s allowed in pregnancy or dulcoease?
Has anyone suffered with constipation and has been table to take anything that’s worked? I usually take magnesium but not sure if that’s allowed in pregnancy or dulcoease?
Before I found I was pregnant I used dulcolax NEVER AGAIN I took it as instructed and the stomach pains and cramps were horrendous, so I wouldn’t advise this.
I’m going to stock up on prunes and figs
Has anyone suffered with constipation and has been table to take anything that’s worked? I usually take magnesium but not sure if that’s allowed in pregnancy or dulcoease?
You can take magnesium but not dulcoease unless it’s a last resort. No senna either.
As said, lactulose is the one.
I'm 16.5 weeks and I feel like I'm back in the first trimester. Absolutely zapped of energy again. Also getting quite a lot of niggling twinges/feelings all over my tummy. Is it possible it's having a growth spurt and this is why?
I’m 30 weeks tomorrow and yesterday evening I started getting a very uncomfortable feeling under the bump but only on one side

It’s making it very difficult to walk and move about but I wouldn’t say it’s pain? Just really really uncomfortable 😭

Googling makes it sound like maybe pelvic girdle pain or round ligament pain

Im wondering if I should just call for advice and ask but I don’t want to sound silly 🥲
Baby still moving around fine as normal and I don’t have any other issues

Hope it gets better soon because the only way I’m comfortable is if I’m laying down 🫠