VIP Member
Tbf I thought that after I wrote it regarding being in labour and needing 1-2-1 care.No I love chit chat like this hahaha I find it interesting too!!
However, surely those 2-5 days of induction is still more ‘controlled’ from a management point of view than the alternative? E.g the 5 week span spontaneous labour could happen from 37-42 weeks (for most).
Obviously I only know what happens in my own trust, but 1:1 care between women and midwives was only once they were in established labour, so those initially being induced weren’t taking up official bed space in labour rooms as they were just on the ward, or sent home as @Greencatfysh said. Then once in established labour they were receiving 1:1 care as they would regardless.
Totally agree though that so much outdated data is the cause for most inductions. I was always very adamant I wouldn’t be induced, still needed the c section anyway
I was induced by drip 24hrs after my forewaters went, the process was over 24hrs and I had a midwife there pretty much the entire time once drip went in and the contractions started so a good over half of that. But I realise that contradicts my point about there being lots of ways of being induced. That’s just one of them, probably not that common plus it was Covid restrictions so maybe they weren’t switching rooms as much as they usually would. Bit clouded by my own experience there!
Still, it’s more work and resources (cost) to induce than let nature run its course, plus the increased chance of interventions after still makes me think they wouldn’t do it unnecessarily for staffing reasons.