Sorry this is long
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again Jay does not like the settled down life at all and sometimes he sounds like he hates it like he would rather be anywhere else which is sad to say because there’s children involved. I think he is mentally still a teenager because he hasn’t grown up at all. He clearly was not ready to be a dad and settled down with one woman because all he wants to do is avoid responsibility and is very disrespectful and hurtful with the way he speaks about and treats Poppy. Of course Poppy doesn’t deserve that nobody does but there’s only so much you can feel sorry for someone when she stays with him continuing to have children with him and making this content with him.
She knows how lazy a parent he is cause all she does is talk about how he does nothing and how stressed she is which is understandable but if you’re going to put up with that from him then he is going to continue to do what he likes and nothing will ever change. She must see that their relationship is toxic unless she’s convinced herself that it isn’t or she’s so desperate to have the perfect family image especially as that’s how they make their money they rely on their relationship to make money online and selfishly exploit their kids.
I know a lot of toxic relationships can be controlling and god knows what we don’t see behind closed doors plus there are kids involved so I understand it’s easier said than done to just leave your partner especially in Poppys case she’s pregnant again but clearly the two of them are not right for each other cause all they do is fight and disagree about everything. I think he gives her reasons as to why she doesn’t trust him and to be honest I wouldn’t trust him either but what’s the point of being with someone you don’t trust? having to constantly go through his messages means you don’t trust him and that sounds like a miserable relationship to be in if you have to do that you’d be better off leaving as hard as it would be at first.
The way he speaks to her, has compared her to his ex , speaks horribly about her body, compares her body to other women and all these nights out out he goes on not coming back until very late in the morning I think at some point he would cheat on her if he could get away with it and I wouldn’t wish for anyone to be cheated on but he seems the type. It’s no wonder she’s insecure he’s played a big part in that and yeah maybe she’s always been an insecure person so not saying she’s never toxic but Jay seems like hard work. He wants to be on his lads holidays doing whatever he wants with no committment to anyone and he doesn’t have the maturity to listen to how Poppy feels because he doesn’t want the responsibility that comes with the life he has with her.