I don’t understand Steff one little bit. He’s claiming to be gay, not even bi, so he clearly isn’t attracted to her at all. There clearly isn’t a major row, so why not have an amicable divorce? The kids are well into adulthood so no need to remain married for their benefit.
a minor thing from ep 1. He says on the island “so MANY people said ‘how do you think you will feel’?”. Yet, his trusted driver of 21 years couldn’t even be trusted not to sell the story to the media, lol, so which was it…told only the family, or told everyone he knows?
I expect there is some financial reason that Steff is still around, maybe she is living in their big house and it would have to be sold if they divided their assets.
The daughter in ep 1 was essentially trying out for an acting audition with those tears.
Loved the part where c5 put him on Eurostar and then 3x flights, rather than providing ‘the talent’ with a private flight. If they travelled private with the survival guy and crew as one group…it probably would have worked out the same cost overall.
One thing is certain for all this…Molly’s future managing crisis PR clients is totally fucked.
The very see-through sympathy attempt while he lamented the loss of his father, laying it on thick with sad background music…the man is in his 60s…the vast majority of people of that age in this country would have lost one or both parents…why does he think his loss is worth laying on so thick? So obviously manipulative.