Peter Kay

He has said more than once in the last few years he wants to do another series and has a few scripts on the go but it's a case of getting everyone together as when the show finished both Dave Spikey (Jerry) and Neil Fitsmaurcie (Ray) had a few things to say about how it was a team effort but he took most of the credit for it. They did a live version many years back for Red Nose Day that was supposed to be released on DVD but never was. It would be great for it to come back but whether it will is anyone's guess, especially the more time that passes.

It's not only any streaming sites but Daily Motion has the two series.
I went to see it live, it was good.
Not sure another series would work today, the worlds moved on. Also not sure Dave or Neil would work with him again after the fall out last time
I went to see it live, it was good.
Not sure another series would work today, the worlds moved on. Also not sure Dave or Neil would work with him again after the fall out last time
Agree about another series not working today I love pheonix nights its still one of my favourite series but Peter does seem firmly stuck in the past and that kind of humour won't work in todays society
I like car share but some of that had questionable material in it
Went last night to the O2...

We left halfway. As did many, many others. People around us were laughing and we were like ??? We are (were) big PK fans, his older stuff made me cry when it was original.
This was just a poor rehash attempt at old jokes, some bits just dragged out and were not funny. I literally smirked once before I absolutely lost the will to live.
18 month wait. Waste of time. Honestly it was absolutely shocking.
I went Saturday night too, I don’t think I really laughed the whole time 🙈🙈🙈
So glad to see comments like this. We were like this 😑 the entire way through until we gave up and left 🤣🤣
Went last night to the O2...

We left halfway. As did many, many others. People around us were laughing and we were like ??? We are (were) big PK fans, his older stuff made me cry when it was original.
This was just a poor rehash attempt at old jokes, some bits just dragged out and were not funny. I literally smirked once before I absolutely lost the will to live.
18 month wait. Waste of time. Honestly it was absolutely shocking.

So glad to see comments like this. We were like this 😑 the entire way through until we gave up and left 🤣🤣
That's why I wouldn't pay to go and see him. Loved him years ago, but some of his latter appearances on TV were just him trying to hog the limelight and not being very funny. There was an appearance on Strictly where he made a homophobic joke about someone, can't remember the exact thing but it was something like him pretending to be afraid to turn his back or bend over and telling the person to watch it, and it just seemed so so dated (not to mention offensive) and it was a pity to see.
That's why I wouldn't pay to go and see him. Loved him years ago, but some of his latter appearances on TV were just him trying to hog the limelight and not being very funny. There was an appearance on Strictly where he made a homophobic joke about someone, can't remember the exact thing but it was something like him pretending to be afraid to turn his back or bend over and telling the person to watch it, and it just seemed so so dated (not to mention offensive) and it was a pity to see.
I've seen comments that in slightly older shows (in this tour period though) he made Schofield jokes. We had Saville (as he was in the Amarillo vid) and Harris ones. The sing-a-long of adverts went on for what felt like a decade of adverts a good 50% of the audience would've had no idea about (and me and my friend are the 30s end of 40...and had no clue what most were). Then the kidney stones story after about 15 mins of that we gave up and left at that point. I video'd people flocking out of the arena area as I was somewhat shocked (but not...) at how many were leaving when we did. Glad we only had the cheap seats in the back!!