Parkrunners, assemble!


How have people not heard of google….
I think I've just fallen out of love a bit with parkrun and I'm only a few runs off my 100. Maybe I'm the grumpy one but I can't cope with the people and found myself just pulling faces at the last few photos I saw on Facebook. I think mine has a bit to do with some of my friendships. I just can't be arsed when I can get up, do my own run and be in the shower by 9am.
Henstridge Airfield ended up doing an untimed run this week so everyone got 59.59. I had a look at the run report and it veers off on a diatribe about volunteering and starts complaining about regular runners who aren't volunteering regularly. They even manage to get mentions of 'snowflake' and 'woke' in there 🤷‍♀️

I can't help but think that shaming people into volunteering isn't the way to go about getting more volunteers, especially when the finish times can be quite long now.

If they cancel the event on a Friday evening when it's clear they won't get enough volunteers, it might wake people up a bit more.
And me

I was asked (not complaining) to switch from barcode scanning to tokens and the RD will get a faster runner to scan. He said he was at a parkrun where the RD had mentioned someone had done over 100 runs but never volunteered. That isn't going to make me volunteer.

On the flip side, I was at juniors where almost every marshal point had 2 volunteers - they had almost double the amount of volunteers. My friend (ED) said he never turns away a volunteer. I've seen some that do and it puts me off.
My local PR puts me off volunteering. They seem like a cliquey group that share all of the main roles between them every week. The run report is full of in jokes no one understands outside of their group.
The volunteer names they list are always like John ‘lame adjective’ Smith, Sarah ‘wacky anecdote’ Jones.
One of them has decided that getting a time where the seconds and minutes are the same is named after one of the core volunteers surnames. So these, for some reason, are listed weekly.

I will volunteer at some point and I’m sure they’re not a bad bunch. I’ve also put it off as it’s a bit of a trek for me to get to on public transport.

Otherwise I like running them, super inclusive. I’ve done some parkrun tourism, but only when I’ve happened to be somewhere with one nearby, I’ve never travelled for one especially.