Paris Hilton

I've always really liked Paris. Despite that image she portrayed on the Simple Life she always seemed quite intelligent and humble. She seemed to actually deeply care for strangers around her and want to make people happy.

I watched the doc tonight and sadly wasn't surprised by her chaotic childhood and the abuse she endured. I'm so sad for her that she seems to have constant bad luck in terms of relationships. Shes like a child. I want to scoop her up and stroke her hair and then help her get on a good path of independence and finding some inner strength. Shes a good girl really. I was always and still am rooting for her ✊
I’ve never minded Paris Hilton (in comparison to the Kardashians etc..) and I’m only half way into the documentary, but, I just don’t buy a lot of what she’s saying, there’s something about her which seems so insincere and fake. I’ve also noticed her voice jumping a lot from her real voice to her ‘character’ in the narrative. Its so strange.
When children grow up with no boundaries then parents will blame the child as being out of control, especially wealthy parents like Kathy and her husband. They were probably too busy making money and having a high social life to care much about their children. Some parents with Kathy’s don’t spend much time with their children and ship them off to boarding schools at an early age. Paris probably did not form much of an attachment with her parents, which resulted in her OTT behaviour that was to get some attention. The less the parents pay attention the more outrageous the behaviour and, sadly, it seemed to backfire on poor Paris if they shipped her off.
I’ve never minded Paris Hilton (in comparison to the Kardashians etc..) and I’m only half way into the documentary, but, I just don’t buy a lot of what she’s saying, there’s something about her which seems so insincere and fake. I’ve also noticed her voice jumping a lot from her real voice to her ‘character’ in the narrative. Its so strange.
People who have been abused as children often subconsciously put on a childlike voice in situations where they are uncomfortable. She was doing it when meeting people which to me suggests she is uncomfortable. Michael Jackson was also abused as a child and had a childlike voice/weird demeanor (separate from his own abuse rumours).
I’ve never minded Paris Hilton (in comparison to the Kardashians etc..) and I’m only half way into the documentary, but, I just don’t buy a lot of what she’s saying, there’s something about her which seems so insincere and fake. I’ve also noticed her voice jumping a lot from her real voice to her ‘character’ in the narrative. Its so strange.
She said herself in the docu that she's used to "perform" when cameras are on her and she automatically switches into her "public persona", hence the switching.
It was also said at the beginning that the docu turnt about 180 and became something entirely different than initially intended.
I think it was supposed to be about the real her, but not quite as deep as it in the end became.

People who have been abused as children often subconsciously put on a childlike voice in situations where they are uncomfortable. She was doing it when meeting people which to me suggests she is uncomfortable. Michael Jackson was also abused as a child and had a childlike voice/weird demeanor (separate from his own abuse rumours).
This, too.

When children grow up with no boundaries then parents will blame the child as being out of control, especially wealthy parents like Kathy and her husband. They were probably too busy making money and having a high social life to care much about their children. Some parents with Kathy’s don’t spend much time with their children and ship them off to boarding schools at an early age. Paris probably did not form much of an attachment with her parents, which resulted in her OTT behaviour that was to get some attention. The less the parents pay attention the more outrageous the behaviour and, sadly, it seemed to backfire on poor Paris if they shipped her off.
This, absolutely.

I think this also goes with what I said earlier, of the parents spoiling and denying the kids too much at the same time.
They weren't given proper attention and the parental love kids need, weren't allowed to do anything remotely perceived as negative (hence no makeup rule, super strict curfews) as it would reflect badly on them and the Hilton name rather than the kids and at the same time were just given anything material there was (limitless credit card for Paris, which cost them so much Nicky wasn't given limitless).
Any kid would turn out "bad" when brought up like this.

The boys seem screwed up as well, which is hardly suprising. And Nicky was a bit off the rails as well, only Nicky isn't as damaged as Paris and turnt her life around. Of the boys one also seems more screwed up than the other, but I barely know anything about the two boys (well, men now), so I'm not a good judge there.

I wonder what Paris real relationship with her parents and sister is and their thoughts. Kathy didn't just lie and came off like an ass, but there were moments between Paris and her mum and sister where it seemed there are reall deep seated issues and resentments (with Kathy, that isn't surprising).
Though Paris did I think spend lockdown, or part of it, with Nicky and her husband and kids.
I’ve never minded Paris Hilton (in comparison to the Kardashians etc..) and I’m only half way into the documentary, but, I just don’t buy a lot of what she’s saying, there’s something about her which seems so insincere and fake. I’ve also noticed her voice jumping a lot from her real voice to her ‘character’ in the narrative. Its so strange.
Yeah the voice thing is very weird. She’s quite masculine with huge feet and Tom boy and then dies coquettish character......very odd. But bearing in mind she almost a billionaire, her hair looks tit.
I’ve never minded Paris Hilton (in comparison to the Kardashians etc..) and I’m only half way into the documentary, but, I just don’t buy a lot of what she’s saying, there’s something about her which seems so insincere and fake. I’ve also noticed her voice jumping a lot from her real voice to her ‘character’ in the narrative. Its so strange.
She was also quite self pitying regarding her travelling/transient lifestyle, but no one is forcing her to live like that?
I’ve never minded Paris Hilton (in comparison to the Kardashians etc..) and I’m only half way into the documentary, but, I just don’t buy a lot of what she’s saying, there’s something about her which seems so insincere and fake. I’ve also noticed her voice jumping a lot from her real voice to her ‘character’ in the narrative. Its so strange.

I have to agree. Its hard to believe anything that comes out of a narcissists mouth tbh. She's a sweet enough girl but its all fake. Like when she said she hadn't had a holiday in 15 years but then brought a camera crew along with the fake pool and bedroom shots. Made me eye roll a bit.
I would really love to see her settle down with someone, I wonder if she ever will. It must be so hard to trust anyones genuine intentions when you are a multi millionaire.
I have to agree. Its hard to believe anything that comes out of a narcissists mouth tbh. She's a sweet enough girl but its all fake. Like when she said she hadn't had a holiday in 15 years but then brought a camera crew along with the fake pool and bedroom shots. Made me eye roll a bit.
I would really love to see her settle down with someone, I wonder if she ever will. It must be so hard to trust anyones genuine intentions when you are a multi millionaire.
She has gone out with plenty of men richer than her though, and they haven’t worked out either.
Also, what was with the bizarre pile of laptops and claiming she has to buy a new one every time she gets a new boyfriend as they all demand her password or hack into her laptops?!!
None of her stories made much sense at all.
Sorry guys, I really should have finished the documentary before commenting - sounds like there’s a lot more to come, so I take back my original comments!
Also, isn’t it illegal to record someone without their knowledge? Particularly since she was setting up those spy cameras in the bedroom where the person being secretly watched is at their most vulnerable 🤢.
I watched the documentary yesterday. She has some seriously deep-rooted issues (not surprising) and it's hard not to feel sorry for her. Her mum comes across as quite cold, as does her sister. I always thought her and her sister were close, Nicky was quite the socialite too wasn't she in the 2000s, but she comes across like she holds a lot of contempt for her sister.

Never realised how much Paris looks and sounds like Kyle Richards though! Massive similarity there.
Also, isn’t it illegal to record someone without their knowledge? Particularly since she was setting up those spy cameras in the bedroom where the person being secretly watched is at their most vulnerable 🤢.

Not really. You just can’t use illegally obtained recordings in a court of law- which she isn’t. I suppose there could be a voyeurism argument but it’s her own house and she’s not intending to do anything but spy on him
Paris in the documentary and then in her wedding program showed that she is clearly still suffering the affects from her time in that horrible boarding school. trouble saying no, making decisions, hoarding childish fairytale items as they synbolise innocence and the picture perfect ideal, the hoarding of clothes, jewellery everything shows insecurity.

she hasn’t dealt with it but she has stopped and closed down the horrible abusive school and shown commitment to that so she can be admired for taking that action and making her abuse public.

I think her mum and sister ignoring her truth was heartbreaking and Kathy Hilton’s sudden personality flip to mommy older lady and agreement to be on real housewives was a PR move. She would never have done it before she just wants to clear her image. The kooky lady is not real, stories of snobbish entitled behaviour in Hilton hotels when the kids were little show she was never a nice lady. I read somewhere that Kathy used to dumb Paris on anybody when a baby and young child for hours so she could go out and continue on with her life.

Paris might be hiding the intelligent business brain but I think she is trying so hard to make money because she wants security. The use of the childish voice and five phones shows she is still hiding. I hope the new husband continues to be a barrier between her and her mum when needed.