If he uses this as a launching point to do disability politics I might do a monroe and start tearing radiators off walls.
I have never, ever liked him. I grew up where the term 'chav' was first used and we used it specifically for young women/girls who dressed and acted in a certain way (claaaaaahn, sorry, clown necklaces, massive hoop earrings, prison white trainers etc). After he swanned into critical acclaim for the book I had to put up with people using the made up 'chavette' because he and the media after his book made it synomous with just someone off of a council estate. He could've done something interesting with what did working class actually mean (it was certainly being used by middle class people to mean they needed to work for a living, or that they worked hard when they felt insulted by being called middle class) and how disenfranchised people are but instead we got st Owen of the povs to speak on their behalf. Has he ever not looked smug?