Oscar Pistorius

I seem to remember that the criticism of the original judge’s sentence was that culpable homicide (manslaughter equivalent) applies to unintentional murder. The judgment on the other hand found that Pistorius would have known that shooting in the way he did was sure to kill whoever was behind the door (Reeva or an intruder) and that therefore the conviction should have been for unpremeditated murder, the lesser murder charge but still subject to a much greater sentence than manslaughter: this was the conviction on appeal.
I think it was intentional. Those text messages were horrible, he was jealous of Reeva and tried to control her. He humiliated her in public and she tried to reconcile herself with it like a lot of women do when it’s the beginning of a relationship and you think they’ll change. The rest of the affectionate messages do not mean they had a healthy relationship.

He is a deeply unstable, violent, gun loving individual and when he’s released it wouldn’t surprise me if he does an OJ Simpson and ends up back in prison for some other horrible crime
I think it was intentional. Those text messages were horrible, he was jealous of Reeva and tried to control her. He humiliated her in public and she tried to reconcile herself with it like a lot of women do when it’s the beginning of a relationship and you think they’ll change. The rest of the affectionate messages do not mean they had a healthy relationship.

He is a deeply unstable, violent, gun loving individual and when he’s released it wouldn’t surprise me if he does an OJ Simpson and ends up back in prison for some other horrible crime
Didn't she say 'I'm scared of you' in one of the text messages? I cringed when I read that - absolutey 100% not normal for someone to say that about their partner.
Unpopular opinion, I don't think it was intentional.

I watched Pistorius on Amazon Prime.

The state he was in during the trial, uncontrollably crying and throwing up.

He was a paranoid wreck before she died, was so scared of having his house broken into.

I can see it from both sides, like why wouldn't you check your partner was on the bed beside you before taking a gun to the bathroom? But it was dark, maybe he thought she was in the bed beside him.

He carried her down the stairs and was in such a state, most premeditated murders I've seen on TV the killer had no emotion.

I guess no one will ever know what really happened besides the two of them.
Intentional but not premeditated. He shot her with exploding bullets, FFS. She didn't have a brain left. He was shown to be an angry head who had previously shown appalling personal gun control (and I have shot both civilian and military weapons). I can easily see how his temper took over and he went into a red mist only to regret it when he saw the consequences. And how much of the weeping was for him rather than Riva?
Exactly. If you are aware of someone being behind a closed door, unless you shout out and determined if it is her, or if she is somewhere else, there is a 50% chance that it will be her. I believe also that the door was locked which could indicate that she was trying to protect herself from him.
Yep I don’t think you would normally lock the door if going to the loo in the middle of the night with just you and your partner home. Definitely scared and locked herself in for safety.

I think he lost his temper and had a moment of blind rage and then instant regret!
Intentional but not premeditated. He shot her with exploding bullets, FFS. She didn't have a brain left. He was shown to be an angry head who had previously shown appalling personal gun control (and I have shot both civilian and military weapons). I can easily see how his temper took over and he went into a red mist only to regret it when he saw the consequences. And how much of the weeping was for him rather than Riva?
Absolutely tears of self-pity. He may have thought he loved her, but I don’t think he’s actually capable of loving anyone but himself. Cold-blooded monster.
Absolutely tears of self-pity. He may have thought he loved her, but I don’t think he’s actually capable of loving anyone but himself. Cold-blooded monster.
Didn't he start dating someone else relatively soon after he killed her? Just bizarre behaviour.

Also, what kind of criminal intruder would hide and lock themselves in a bathroom? 100% he knew who he was shooting at.
Yes, his story was laughable. And she would have been screaming her head of after the first shot wouldn't she??
This case is always particularly poignant for me, as I gave birth to my second child at pretty much the exact same time as Reeva was murdered. I remember my husband came to visit me the next morning (Valentine's day) and it was all people were talking about.

At first people seemed to assume it had been a tragic accident, but as the facts emerged opinions changed.

I was glued to the trial and I thought the judge was appalling. She kept asking for things to be repeated and didn't seem 'with it' to me. Oscar was definitely playing up to the cameras in the courtroom, but occasionally you would see him drop the facade. I think at one point they accidentally flashed up the image of Reeva's head injuries and that's when he requested a bucket.

I thought Reeva's family were admirable throughout the case, despite having to watch his pitiful display. My heart goes out to them. The initial verdict was a joke and I'm glad he's finally getting his comeuppance.

I think he knew exactly what he was doing. A brattish hothead used to getting everything he wants. RIP Reeva.
This case is always particularly poignant for me, as I gave birth to my second child at pretty much the exact same time as Reeva was murdered. I remember my husband came to visit me the next morning (Valentine's day) and it was all people were talking about.

At first people seemed to assume it had been a tragic accident, but as the facts emerged opinions changed.

I was glued to the trial and I thought the judge was appalling. She kept asking for things to be repeated and didn't seem 'with it' to me. Oscar was definitely playing up to the cameras in the courtroom, but occasionally you would see him drop the facade. I think at one point they accidentally flashed up the image of Reeva's head injuries and that's when he requested a bucket.

I thought Reeva's family were admirable throughout the case, despite having to watch his pitiful display. My heart goes out to them. The initial verdict was a joke and I'm glad he's finally getting his comeuppance.

I think he knew exactly what he was doing. A brattish hothead used to getting everything he wants. RIP Reeva.

Agree with every word, we obviously watched the same trial and saw the same. I find it incredible the others thought he was crying for Reva.

Judge Masipa, was the worst I have ever seen.
Definitely intentional. He was known for being a bit power mad with guns, and it sounds like he was controlling Reeva. If I thought an intruder was coming into my house, the first think I would do is shake my husband to wake him. And if he wasn’t there then logic would tell you that the ‘intruder’ is probably my hubby. It was a horrible case and poor Reeva was absolutely butchered. I remember being gripped to it. I’m sure his tears were pity tears though. He knew his life was ruined and he’d done it to himself.
I think it was intentional also and I’m glad that was reflected in court. Shame he got such a pitiful sentence though. Also can’t stand when people do sob stories in court. Weinstein did the same with that bloody zimmerframe.
I think I was intentional. You don’t buy exploding bullets to tickle people with, everything about his gun ownership, bullets etc was excessive. For me, buying exploding bullets means that if you intend on using them the other person isn't walking away.

I think they were arguing, he had a temper tantrum and in a blind rage fired 4 bullets into the door. Whatever went on that night we will never know the truth of it
I was also glued to the trial & there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that he knew it was Reeva in the toilet. I think he got the gun out to scare her and then lost control.

All of the evidence - every single shred of it - contradicted his story.

I always thought that this was an excellent summary of his “version”:

(Not sure how to do links. Did that work?)